Water supply in the country

By and large, any cottage without water is not a summer house, and therefore one or another

water supply in it will have to be provided. Of course, if you draw up all the documents

and pay for the installation of centralized water supply, the task is to be much simplified.

However, we will still consider precisely the «home -made» options, the simplest among

which is the issue of water delivery only for watering plants, and the most difficult

— the arrangement of this water supply used for all other needs.

Leaving so far as possible to the issues of the actual installation of the tap system, let’s try

to figure out what sources you can organize the water supply of private

at home (preferably uninterrupted and as good quality).

DIY water water supply

Depending on the location of the cottage, the depth of groundwater and the presence

near natural reservoirs, water supply methods can be selected by the most


Special tanks

This method will be optimal if there are no water pipelines nearby, before

groundwater needs to dig the floor of the planet, and the nearest river or pond is not seen before

The horizon itself. An interesting historical fact is that similar

Artificial reservoirs were built both in cities and villages from time immemorial, and

The water supply of the surrounding population was ensured quite decently. In ours

case of the scheme will be simple — the arrangement of such a tank (brick, concrete

or even an earthen, qualitatively covered with a polymer film) and periodic

ordering tanks with water to fill it. Further, the water supply will be

organize in the same way as when using a well — in addition, water will be

clean, not soil.


Another magnificent option to organize the water supply of a private house is a well from a well. It has only one drawback — decent

the costs of equipment for lifting water from the bowels of the Earth and the need to spend also

considerable amounts to pay for electricity required to work lifting


Natural source

If a lake, stream, rums or a pond nearby are still available — you can

take care of a water fence from them. Of course, previously expelled on its own

ditches, paving pipes and installing water pumps.

Water supply in the country from the well

A man -made or miraculous well — the oldest source of water for our

ancestors, up to the present day, sometimes the only one in remote villages

and villages. Of course, digging, and even more so, cladding a well with your own hands for one

a person is a completely overwhelming task. But if there is already one on the site — not

It’s just a sin to use it. In this case, even the automatic supply of water from it

— much lighter than organized water supply from a well. Since everything we are

It will be required — this is lowering the hose into it with the connection of the latter to the pump (instead of

titanic digging of multi -meter ditches and mounting in them polymer pipes from

taking into account the angles of inclination, the installation of fittings and other wisdom — besides very

Not cheap in implementation). Of course, automation of this kind (and not simple dragging

water buckets) will still result in certain expenses. At least — on the output

highways to the country soul, the same accounts for electricity, at least occasionally

Cleaning the bottom of the well from the mule and the installation of interchangeable or cleansing

filters for guaranteed water not only for watering, but also drinking. Although

the ancestors of our, and the current village inhabitants, uncleaned water from the well

Usually suits.

Installation of water supply in the country

In other cases — if the gaskets of full -fledged pipelines still cannot be avoided —

will have to stock up on strength, patience and attentiveness. Step -by -step instruction

The installation of the water supply briefly will be the following list of stages:

Digging trenches — below the freezing point of soils, the correct inclination of pipe laying

and installations of all the necessary stage and mounts;

installation of the pump — with the connection of all the necessary equipment to it and

connectors (fittings, hydraulic accumulators, pressure meters, relay, etc. D.);

Conclusion on the pump and connecting the end section of the main pipes

power supply — carried out through well -screen and armored


installation of several locking cranes (which may be needed during

cottage repair);

Installation of filters, laying the inside of the water supply system.

After that, the system becomes ready for the final connection and operation.