Wallpaper for the corridor — create comfort in the house directly from the threshold

The first impression of any home is already on its threshold, so picking up the wallpaper for the corridor is a very important and responsible task. Of course, most of the halls and corridors in our homes do not differ in volumes — as a rule, this is a small dark nook with doors leading to the rooms. However, such a seemingly uncomfortable room can be made pleasant for staying.

Wallpaper for the hallway — what should they be

Video — how to choose and stick wallpaper

The main condition that the wallpaper for the hallway should meet is wear resistance. Even with the most careful handling, they have to take on street dust, dirt and various atmospheric precipitation. Therefore, paper wallpapers can be excluded immediately, since they are very quickly polluted, and it is simply impossible to remove various spots from them. For the same reasons, most varieties of fabric wallpapers are not recommended in hallways. Liquid wallpaper is also not very suitable for this room, since they are very not resistant to mechanical influences and pollution. However, to protect this coating can be treated with varnish.

One of the best options is washing wallpaper. If necessary, they can be cleaned of dirt using detergents and even hard brushes. But not all wallpapers of this type can be cleaned so aggressively — a special marking in the form of a wave -like line and brush should be talked about the possibility of such processing. A good option for finishing the corridor and hallway — wallpaper for painting. They are dense and quite resistant to mechanical damage. If you cover them with a paint that creates a water -repellent coating, then the problem of removing spots will disappear from them. However, you can always be painted up completely unnecessary spots.

Wallpaper for the corridor — the correct color scheme

Repair in the hallway — video

Unfortunately, almost all corridors and hallways in domestic houses “suffer” from the lack of volumes, so the main task in the repair of this room is to make it visually larger. The tones of the wallpaper can be adjusted the visual volume of the room:

Light tone visually increases the space;

Dark visually reduces the room.

Light wallpapers add the hallway «air». But choosing too light ones is not worth it for purely practical reasons, since they get dirty pretty quickly.

The owners of spacious corridors and hallways can allow the walls to “put on” the wallpaper of dark shades. However, you do not need to choose too dark finishes, since even small scratches are especially noticeable on it. Plain material in neutral colors is one of the best solutions for small spaces. By the way, the “metallic” is not a too active effect will contribute to the reflection in the walls of artificial lighting, which will also “play” the visual increase in space.

A small repeating pattern is another way of visual expansion of a small space. The same effect in large rooms is given by a large pattern of wall coatings. If the height of the ceilings allows, then you can “steal” a few centimeters in favor of the width of the space, gluing the room with wallpaper with narrow horizontal stripes. And vice versa, if the area of ​​the corridor or hallway is quite large, but it is not enough for the height, then the wallpaper with a vertical strip will give the opposite effect. The motley will distract attention from possible spots, and also help to hide some wall flaws.

Fashionable today from traffic jams are also well suited for the corridor, since they are durable and not afraid of mechanical damage and practically do not get dirty.

Until recently, such a technique of pasting the corridor as a combination of dark wallpaper below and light above was very popular. The border was covered with a wide border. Of course, such a solution is very practical, because the room remains bright, and that part of the wall that is subject to pollution — clean. However, in addition to the inactivity of this technique, he has another drawback — it visually reduces the height of the room, as if cutting it in half.

The murals once popular in our country are experiencing a second birth today. A properly selected image on which any prospect is indicated can create a feeling of “depth” of the interior, which also “plays” to increase the space.

Decorating corridors and hallways — tips

In order to create a sense of chamber in the room, the ceiling can also be poked with wallpaper. Traditional white wallpapers for the ceiling is not necessary to use at all. It is best to take the material in the same color scheme as on the walls, only the shade should be lighter.

Visually expand the space in small rooms can be using mirrors. If at least a little natural light enters the corridor, the mirror must be placed opposite it. This technique will make the space not only more voluminous, but also lighter. Furniture in small corridors should also not be large -sized, otherwise it will simply “eat” space.

When asked whether it is necessary to ensure that wallpaper in such rooms as a corridor and entrance hall are combined with those that are glued in the rest of the rooms, it is difficult to answer unequivocally. In principle, if there are many doors in the corridor, and they are almost always closed, the design of this room can be individual. If the doors from the corridor only lead to the bathroom, and the passage to the rooms is open, the corridor is better to withstand in the same style as the rest of the space.