Wall tiles for the kitchen — the right choice is the key to success

Everyone who started the repair of the kitchen has to make a choice — wallpaper, plaster or wall tile for the kitchen. A lot depends on what material is chosen, including how the room will be visually perceived.

Is this attention so important?

How to put tiles on the wall — video

This issue should be resolved as productively as possible, it must be treated carefully, since the choice in this case is quite problematic, and its results can be unpredictable. At the same time, it is worth determining not only the colors and the design solution, but also with the quality. Many people try to use tiles in the kitchens, since it has many advantages over other materials where you can turn it on:

The hardness of the material;

Wear resistance;

High level of resistance to temperature differences;

Zero water absorption;

Resistance to various chemicals without loss of quality;

«Anti -slip».

As you can see, the tile on the floor or on the walls has many advantages, especially in such a frequently used room as the kitchen, where we spend with you, probably more than 50% of our time. And if we decided directly on the choice of the material itself, it is worth approaching the question of what exactly it should be.

Which is better wall tile for the kitchen

How to cut tiles shown on the video

In the event that you are going to engage in small facing work, which are associated, for example, with the ennolation of part of the countertop, above the hob, washing, part of the walls, then you need to select small material that can be supplemented with various bets, also small. The main thing is that the colors coincide with each other, be harmonious and delight you yourself.

It is very important that the dimensions of the decor and tiles coincide with each other, otherwise even the smallest discrepancies can lead to the fact that their geometric alternation will be impaired. You will notice flaws at once, but it will be too late to change something — you have to do everything from the very beginning.

Considering the issue of floor tiles, I want to say a few words about the grout with the help of which you will close the seams. You should choose either a mixture in the tone of the material, or purchase with a contrasting color, which will make the kitchen more interesting and original. In any case, you cannot do without such material, since with its help you will not only protect the material from the occurrence of fungus and mold, but also exclude the possibility of lagging the coating from the floor.

Styling styles

Before you purchase material for finishing, you should first determine the future design of the premises. It depends on this what your favorite place in the apartment will be in the future. Here are the main styles of tiles, which are very popular today:

Modern style. If you are a supporter of modern design and styles, then it is best to choose smooth material to the kitchen, where simple and smooth lines, plain color can look quite appropriate. In this case, it is best to choose one that will be more similar to the countertop, which will allow the material to harmonize with the entire room in general.

Want to get something in the style of «country»? In this case, it is best to select the tile that imitates either natural stone or cobblestones, marble and more. Naturally, for the harmony of walls and floor, you should choose the colors more monophonic so that they smoothly “flow” into each other. By the way, psychologists say that such an interior brings coziness and warmth to the house, so you should think about such a design right now.

Mediterranean style, which is increasingly gaining popularity. Here you can use both mosaic and tiles that simulate natural materials. The tile in general should be in one chosen gamut, and it is better that the colors are as follows: blue, cobalt, green-yellow.

It is also important to consider the fact that the “harmonious combination” is also affected by the size of the material for conducting walls and floor cladding in the kitchen. So, the large size is already a lower price, as well as a simple laying process: it is easy and easy to cut, glue it. However, small tiles can make the interior more interesting, with a “highlight”, so to speak. True, its price will be much higher, but, as professional practice shows, no one has ever regretted the money spent on the acquisition of the necessary material, looking at the resulting result.