Vinyl wallpapers for painting — which LKM is better to use for them?

Vinyl wallpapers for painting are excellent material for those people who often like to change the interior. After all, with their help you can repaint the coating several times. Just choose a new paint! Below we will describe the disadvantages and advantages of these wallpapers, as well as about the technology of their painting.

What are vinyl wallpaper?

The video shows how to glue vinyl wallpapers

Vinyl wallpapers have a 2-layer structure. PVC is always the upper layer, and the lower one is non -woven or paper. Conditionally, these wallpaper are divided into: kitchen, voluminous (foamed) and flat. The former have a good thickness and smooth texture, because they are easy and simply cleaned of any contaminants. Volumetric wallpaper perfectly hide flaws and wall defects. Well, flat — have a smaller thickness, but they differ in an excellent design, since the upper layer includes impurities of silk threads. However, whatever the type of vinyl wallpaper for painting, they all have the same characteristics. The pluses include:

High elasticity and density of the material. During application, the canvases are not torn.

Excellent moisture resistance. The material can be wiped with a rag or washed with detergents.

Impact on the effects of UV rays. The coating does not fade for many years.

Mechanical strength. The coating is not damaged from minor physical influences.

Excellent design and variety of textures. They can imitate any surfaces: sucks, wood, ceramics, plaster.

Of the disadvantages, one main one can distinguish — air permeability. Therefore, the wallpaper «does not breathe». And under the coating a large amount of mold and other microorganisms can accumulate. Therefore, for gluing in sleeping and children’s rooms, they are not recommended. To do this, it is better to use typical paper wallpaper for painting.

How to glue the wallpaper of vinyl?

Choose wallpaper for painting — video

The wallpaper data is glued as well as typical paper. There is nothing complicated in the process. First, the surface is prepared: cleaned, putty, primed. Not to fulfill this initial stage cannot. If you do not prepare the base, then the applied coating will quickly become unusable. At the second stage, canvases and glue are prepared. The wallpaper is cut with a length that is equal to the height of the ceilings, plus 6 centimeters are added. Glue is bought universal or under the type of coating. Even better if the adhesive mixture has special components that prevent mold and fungus. Since there is a high risk of the formation of these microorganisms under vinyl coatings.

Glue is diluted according to the recipe. In this case, in the process of preparation, the mixture is thoroughly stirred so that there are no lumps. Next, the canvases are covered with glue. Then they put each in half (so that the composition is saturated). Then the wallpaper is applied by the “VSTOK” method in the direction from top to bottom. You need to start from the corner of the room. So, all the wallpaper is gradually glued. Excess paintings are cut below. During the work, they must ensure that there are no drafts in the room. Close all doors and windows! After the wallpaper dries, you can start applying paint.

Painting of vinyl wallpaper

This process is also carried out, as well as painting paper wallpapers. For work you will need the corresponding paint, brush, roller and tray. It is desirable that the glued wallpaper be embossed and with beige or white shade. Pick up paint on a latex or acrylic basis. It will dry quickly enough, in 5 hours. Paint is applied to the wallpaper in two ways — from the wrong side and on the front side. We will talk more about how to paint the coating after gluing, that is, from the front side.

Paint poured into the tray. They lay a roller there, squeeze slightly and begin to produce vertical movements along the wall. If you paint the coating for the first time, then you can apply the composition in two layers. Only before applying the second layer it is important to wait until the previous. In the same case, if you want to make drawings or patterns, you will need a brush for this. First of all, the 1st (basic) layer is applied. After drying it, the primer is applied to the surface. It is desirable that it be water -based. Let her dry.

The drawing will lie much better on the surface treated in this way. Then take paints, brush and proceed to apply the image. During the work, follow the precautions. Be sure to dress gloves, respirator. The paint mixture should not fall on the skin of the hands and face. It’s good if you have special work clothes. In the case of the mixture on the body, it is important to rinse this area with warm water. After the end of work, the remaining remains of paint are stored in a closed container in a dark room.

The most favorable for drying is the temperature of +20C and normal humidity.