Ventilation in the apartment — who in what is the way!

Why is the air exchange in the apartment so important? What are the types of ventilation? With which you can provide a good atmosphere in the house?

Perhaps there are no people who would not care about their health. Just everyone in his own way understands what it is. But, in principle, most people understand that without fresh air it is unlikely that the body will feel good! That is why everyone is striving to ensure that the room in which we live is well ventilated.

To do this, use different approaches. Someone hopes only for forced ventilation in the form of ventilation by opening windows, and someone believes that air exchange should be when the windows are closed. For this, constant ventilation is made in the apartment, by creating special ventilation holes through which accumulated carbon dioxide is removed and clean air access.

And again there is a difference in approaches. Someone relies on the natural current of air, and someone is not enough and it strengthens it, putting a fan in such a hole to enhance the air flow.

Well, in the coolest «options, ventilation is made simultaneously — a supply, when fresh air and exhaust, when the air literally sucks out of the room. Of course, this option is more often used in public places where many people accumulate at the same time, but if a person is too preoccupied with his health and health of his family members, then this can be done in a regular apartment, and, given the realities of today’s life, many go to this.

This is all the more important because many today install plastic windows. which significantly violates air exchange, threatening the most natural greenhouse effect. Therefore, those residents who think, as they say, are in advance, already installing such windows, plan under them the corresponding ventilation system. Yes, in this case you can’t just cost just ventilation holes. Here, albeit a small, but ventilation system, with a system of injection and air removal. In poor performance, such a system will be quite noisy, and if everything is not very cheap, but high quality, then there will be noise, of course, but not very strong.

There are several such systems, which differ both in the basic scheme and in power. Choose, again, you need to based on your own specific conditions.