Types of drainage — how not to get confused in choice?

To date, the following types of drainage are distinguished: open, hard and deep. It is important to select a particular system with a clear analysis of the soil, atmospheric precipitation, the level of gv. Only after a hydrogeological conclusion can we conclude which system is most suitable for your land plot.

Drainage of the site — the key to preventing the flood

Tips and recommendations for mounting the drainage system

As you know, any foundation is exposed to the harmful effects of groundwater. In the winter season, the water freezes and begins to “press” the foundation. Therefore, cracks are formed. Plus, moisture can easily fall into the basement or basement of the house. All this leads to the formation of an unfavorable microclimate in which mold and fungus appear. Therefore, it is important to protect the foundation from groundwater. Especially if it is laid in loamy soils. To do this, equip the deep drainage system.

Thanks to it, excess moisture goes through the network of pipelines and is excreted into a special water collector, which, incidentally, should be in the lowest site. In addition to groundwater, atmospheric precipitation can have a harmful effect on the land. If the plot is located in such a zone, then swampy can occur, deep puddles and dirt are formed. All this leads to the death of plants. To avoid such a situation, a drainage is created, a video with the arrangement of which is on our website. The storm is made superficial or open, and not deep. That is, a network of spot or linear drains is equipped on the territory. They also take excess moisture and bring it to a special water collector. We hope that now the question of whether drainage is needed, there will be no.

Groundwater and rain are no longer scary

How can you shit wells for drainage yourself

So, we learned why drainage is needed, and now let’s talk about its types. The following three types are distinguished depending on the method of the system of the system:




We will tell you more about them. The open system is equipped only on waterproof or sandy soils. Usually necessary when there is an abundance of precipitation and you need to remove excess moisture from the territory. Thus, this drainage allows you to eliminate swampiness, puddles and damp. And this has a favorable way on plants. Mounting an open system is quite simple. For this, trenches with mowed walls are dug around the perimeter of the territory. For greater durability, you can insert plastic or concrete trays into them, from above which the grilles are mounted. They are necessary to prevent garbage hit.

Water, penetrating into these trays, is gradually transported to the water collector. You can equip such a system with your own hands, just have a shovel and spend some free time. The backfill system is equipped without pipes. At the initial stage, trenches also break out. Further on their bottom put brickly broken brick, sand, crushed stone (that is, filter materials). If desired, you can put pipes. Then everything is closed with turf.

The deep system is needed in cases where the land is on loamy soils or in the lowland. Usually it is made only after accurate hydrogeological analysis of the land territory. For arranging such drainage, ordinary trenches that can be dug with a shovel are not suitable. This system needs a special technique that will process the soil. The depth of the trenches directly depends on the level of gv. The “pillow” consisting of crushed stone, sand also laid on their bottom. Then perforated pipes are installed (PVC is quite suitable). Then all this is closed again with gravel and sand, and after the turf. This «pillow» acts as a filter and shock absorber.

What other types of drainage are?

In addition, this system is divided by design into three categories:




The first type is most common, and most often is done in summer cottages. The second type is much more difficult to arrange. It requires special vertical wells that are connected using pipes. Also in this system you need pumps. It is with their help that water pumping is carried out. The third type combines one or another system.

Drainage, whose SNiP 20615-85 will be equipped as true as possible if you follow the technical documentation and produce hydrogeological analysis of the territory.