Types of ceilings

Ceiling finishing quite often used type of construction work. But in order to perform this work, various building materials and technologies are often used. Let’s focus on this issue more closely.

The usual putty, to perform this work, you will need such finishing materials as a primer of deep penetration and dry gypsum or cement putty. Putty on the surface of the ceiling is applied using a set of various spatulas. Further, the surface of the ceiling is polished. To perform this work, it is better to invite specialists in this field.

Suspended ceilings made of plastic and drywall plates. At the first stage for their creation, a frame of metal or wooden guides is made. After that, finishing materials are attached to the frame. Creating a ceiling of this design is very simple. You just need to have or rent the necessary tool. And information on their creation is quite simple to find. The technology of suspended ceilings allows you to leave in its original form the door profile and other decoration elements.

Stretch ceilings, while the most modern ceiling decoration techniques. This material can be applied, both the main coating and to act in other solutions. The finish by this material is carried out only by specialists, since a special tool is needed to execute it.