Turnkey bathroom repair

Turnkey bathroom repair involves large -scale alteration in the room, starting from internal systems to external attributes.

Such a bathroom repair takes place in stages:

the external finish is disassembled;

plumbing and pipes are dismantled;

If necessary, electrics are redeemed and wiring is carried out;

pipes are replaced;

surfaces are aligned;

The floor, walls and ceiling are reduced again;

plumbing equipment is mounted;

Doors are installed.

Dismantling of external decoration is the dismantling of old tiles and other finishing materials. It must also be removed because it is hidden by risers, sewer and water systems, electrical wiring. Internal communications should be well examined and gently dismantled.

Replacing engineering networks — an important event. A significant factor is the strength and reliability of plumbing communications. The use of modern materials and technologies guarantees a long service and therefore, when replacing old pipes with new ones, they are calmly walled up into the walls. Actual norms provide for the installation of a water meter.

For greater comfort and at the request of the owners of the house, a warm floor is made. It can be water or electric.

To equip an electric warm floor, you will need to redraw and stretch a new wiring. The participation of an electrician in the re -equipment of the bathroom is no less responsible than engineering work. It is also possible that the updated bathroom design provides for unusual lighting solutions, which will require the specialist to have experience and skills in his business.

Depending on how qualitatively the facing of the ceiling, floor and walls is made, the general impression of the work made is formed. The finish should look like designed by design, joints and seams are neatly connected and filled. In order for the above requirements to be fulfilled, the surfaces are first prepared, primed, aligned with plaster and screed. Then the tile is placed and the ceiling is finished. Wear -resistant and strong tiles of porcelain tiles — ideal for the floor in the bathroom.

Doors replacement is performed at the stage of completing wall decoration and floor. The bathroom door should also meet specific requirements. After all, this is a detail of the interior, which is a lot of time in a humid environment. The most optimal option is a laminated door, it does not dry out and does not get out of moisture.

After the decoration, they are installed and included in the system of faucets, a bath, a sink, a toilet, a washing machine, a water heater.

And at the end of the repair work, ventilation holes are issued, lamps, mirrors, gutting dryers and other decorative elements are mounted.

Ultimately, a considerable amount of work is gained. If this is entrusted with the team of professionals, then the customer can only decide on the design of the premises and the choice of materials.