Tiles of the toilet — basic rules and techniques

A toilet tile, which usually has relatively small sizes, can help give it a voluminous perception. The size of the material for this reason is directly determined by the size of the room — the smaller the area of ​​the toilet, the smaller the tiles should be less. For room 1.5 m² The optimal tile size will be 15×15.

Toilet tiles — various types of materials

How to lay tiles shown on the video

For the design of the bathroom, the type of tile is of fundamental importance. For tiled decor, modern production offers glass, ceramic and mosaic. Ceramics are most widespread, the properties of which make it possible to use it in rooms with high humidity. Glass tiles are not afraid of water, has a more attractive look in aesthetically, but more expensive. In addition, mosaic is used for the finish. It is convenient as an element of combined wall finishes.

The decoration also uses various decorative elements — patterned tiles, frizes, inserts, borders. Their use is determined by the created interior. If patterning tiles and inserts are rarely used in the design of the toilet, then borders and friezes are a fairly common technique.

Toilet — a room that does not have windows and, accordingly, natural light, which is why it mainly uses the tiles of light tones for its decoration. For gender in such cases, you can put black tiles, which will help increase the optical volume of the room and give a feeling of depth. As a rule, the geometry of the toilet is elongated. To increase the visual width of such rooms, it is necessary to practice transverse laying of a rectangular tile.

The choice of tiles

Laying tiles on the wall is presented in the video

Tiles for the toilet should meet some requirements:

Moisture resistance — the leader in this parameter is glass tiles;

hygiene — in the toilet, wet cleaning is often carried out, which is why the tile should easily wash;

resistance to chemical detergents;

abrasion resistance.

The choice of tiles is not easy to do. Two tasks must be combined: tiles should be beautiful colors and be liked by all family members. The quality of the tiles is quite simple to determine:

All edges perpendicular;

the same thickness in all tiles;

Tiles should not be crooked;

The glaze should not have cracks;

flaws are unacceptable in the coloring of tiles.

A fuzzy coarse -grained pattern suggests that the equipment on which the tile is manufactured is outdated, and good geometric sizes should not be expected.

How to put tiles in the toilet and what is needed for this

The work is carried out Prachitchi in the same way as when facing the bathroom. Walls and floor with a trojan and hammer are cleaned of paint, old tiles and a layer of glue. Tapping check the surface for strength. If the plaster is poorly kept, we remove it to a durable base. Using the building level and plumb line, we determine the deviations of the surface in the planes. With deviations exceeding 2 mm, the surface is aligned with plastering. We cover the dried plaster with a primer.

Laying tiles in the toilet begins with the installation of beacons, which we set in the same plane in the corners of the room. Glue is applied to both walls and tiles. We put the tile in place and pressed with force to the wall. The construction level we control its position and check the horizontal in the series. Then we install the following and align relative to a neighbor and beacons. If you need to raise a little, then we insert the wedges under it. Leaving in the plane and height, we insert the crosses into the seams. We constantly control the horizontal and straightforwardness of the upper edge. We end the laying of the first row around the entire perimeter of the walls, and then take to clad the entire plane. One of the tiles when laying out the corners should overlap the other, forming a seam between them. If necessary, we achieve this by cutting the corner tiles.

To apply glue in smooth stripes, always use a comb spatu.

The lining of the toilet tile ends with grouting seams. Pull the crosses, moisten the tiles, clean the seams and start the grout with a rubber spatula. Extra grouting is removed by motion along the seams. Then, to give the seam of uniformity, we carry out on it with decaying. As an extension, we use a cap from a handle or a round pencil. Embroidered seams dry for several minutes, after which we wash the tiles from the remains of the grout. To do this, use a sponge and a soft rag.