The prolific variety of apricot is a black prince and his black -sided brothers

The world is full of amazing things. This applies to the surrounding nature, for example, a black -haired apricot. His most striking representative is the Black Prince. This stunning taste is quite unpretentious, and everyone can have such a miracle in his garden.

What is a black apricot

The history of this fetus is unique. The usual garden apricot and simple cherry plum accidentally puffed out, after which a bone was planted from the resulting marble fruit. This is how a black apricot arose, which in taste is very reminiscent of its «parents». The fruit bone is not separated, such as plum, but the fetus itself is very aromatic and soil.

The very first representatives of the black apricot are representatives of the Caucasian regions. Therefore, they are not adapted to cold temperature, and the fruits ripen late. In some regions of Russia, these representatives of the Apricot family are still grown, but it is necessary to wrap it warmly, and the fruits themselves do not have time to completely ripen. But the current plum-apricots are more frost-resistant, and the crop from them always turns out ripe and tasty.

The priority of growing a black apricot is determined by the following factors:

He does not care before the late spring frosts, since the flowering process occurs later than that of his relatives;

Fruits are quite racks to return winter frosts, which cannot be transferred to such varieties;

The immunity of the black apricot is much stronger to diseases of various kinds, such as: Klysterosporiosis, moniliosis, as well as cytosporiosis;

The taste of the black prince is somewhat different from the usual apricot, since more tart and peculiar. This allows you to use it for jam, while having a beautiful appearance. Which gives him a special advantage compared to other varieties of apricots;

Chernomotalic apricot has a more compact shape, which can greatly simplify the care of the plant.

Experienced gardeners claim that this apricot variety, in addition to the fact that it is not subject to spring frosts, is simply necessary for a cool spring. Since they have repeatedly noticed that as a result of the late frosts of the plum and ordinary apricots drop their color, but the black apricot, which before that did not want to tie the fruits, subsequently provides a good crop.

The nuances of agricultural technology

Relative to agricultural technology, a black -haired apricot is not whimsical and very much resembles an ordinary Uryuk. Determining the place where the tree will grow, you can navigate the generally accepted indicators for bone crops:

Choose a sunny place. It is best to plant a seedling on the south side of the fence or at home;

You should also not be planted on a area where groundwater is very close to the surface to protect the roots from excessive exhaust.

The snow cover should also be controlled in the spring. It should be no more than 50 cm. This will prevent the lower part of the apricot barrel from the trunk of.

In the case when groundwater is located next to the surface, you can apply a spit in slightly dug barrels, in which the bottom is cut out. To do this, you need to prepare a hole, fading its bottom with pebbles or other drain. Where is the substrate for planting. It can be both from sand, and from clay or peat. A barrel is inserted into this place so that its level above the ground is at least half a meter. After that, the tree will not threaten the rise of groundwater in the spring, as well as the excessive amount of snow in the winter period.

The most famous representatives of black -fruited apricots

The famous Michurin, taking up the cultivation of a black apricot, took a variety of an old Caucasian variety called Tlor Tsiran. He was not very impressive, and the resistance to the cold was pretty weak. But since then, the selection of a black plant has improved. Today, a large number of them has learned to adapt to cold, various diseases, and the crop is much better and tastier. Therefore, it is great for the average garden conditions, which makes it not very whimsical and does not require much attention.

Melitopol black apricot appeared thanks to the professionalism of Kuban experts. This event occurred from the experimental fruiting station, which is located in the city of Krymsk. It is attributed to little whimsical species of apricot. What is a positive characteristic, since this black apricot is somewhat inferior to the same drains and scarlet. The fruits of the Melitopol apricot are quite large and weigh about fifty grams. And tastes more like apricot than plum. As for the taste, it is pretty sweet and has a honey taste. This type of black -healing apricot earlier all over everyone, this is happening from the second half of July. Therefore, you should carefully monitor their ripening, otherwise the fruits begin to crumble. Also, the plant does not require special care and is not very susceptible to various diseases.

Another pride in Crimean experts is an apricot called black velvet. It was created by crossing cherry plums and American varieties. It is notable for its small size and relatively small growth power. Black velvet is known for the fact that among such European varieties, is the most resistant to cold. The weight of fruit of the largest size is from 25 to 35 grams and is stored for a long time. Regarding the taste characteristics, has something similar with a plum and urban. And the fruits ripen in the first half of August.

But the most famous among black apricots is recognized as a black prince. For its pollination, you need male and female flowers from one tree. And this is one of the main advantages of the Black Prince.

A considerable number of plum-apricots are among the self-seated plants. Therefore, they need a tree belonging to another variety nearby. This is necessary for effective pollination, as well as the safety of color, preventing its fall. Thus, the Black Prince variety is convenient for those gardeners who do not have other varieties of apricot in their possessions or there simply are not enough space for this. This species was bred by Ukrainian professional breeders at the specialized station of Artemovsk. It is less resistant to winter frosts compared to the same black velvet, but it can boast of its resistance to freezing in the spring of fruit buds. And the fruits of the plant are the largest, when compared with such black representatives of apricots. Their weight can be about 80 grams. It is also popular due to its taste qualities that are not inferior to nectarine or Uryuk, and the number of the resulting crop is the highest among such relatives. Regarding the strength of growth, then it is at an average level. Black Prince has a strong resistance to disease. Weak endurance frost, you can forgive. Since the fertility and taste of the crop will not disappoint.

In addition to these known varieties, there are also a huge number of Caucasian representatives. They are resistant to a variety of pests and have a small growth. There are even such copies of the Far Eastern selection that were obtained by direct crossing with the Siberian apricot, which can ultimately carry frosts to -55 degrees, but have much lower quality, lower fruit size and yield compared to European varieties.