The influence of office furniture on labor productivity

Each leader strives to increase the labor productivity of his employees. Many people think that labor productivity depends only on the correct distribution of employees’ duties, on the schedule of their work, on the rest during the lunch break, etc. p. Of course it’s all that. But also the workplace of each employee is of great importance. For a long time, designers, architects and psychologists have worked on the issue of premises planning and placing office furniture in them. Well -designed and properly located furniture contributes to good effective work of the company’s employees.

The performance of employees affects both the appearance of the premises and the condition of the furniture. Old tables and armchairs, torn by time and previous workers, kill the desire to work. But new furniture, on the contrary, stimulates and energizes the energy of employees. If the table is small, the computer is not placed on it, the chair does not correspond to the dimensions of the employee, meetings are held, for example, on the old school board, then this, of course, greatly reduces the labor productivity of workers. Choosing and buying office furniture will help you with online store OFISNYEE-KRESLA. On the site of which there is a large selection of convenient and inexpensive office chairs.

The purpose of office furniture is to do the work of an employee of productive. When choosing furniture for the office, it is necessary to clearly imagine who exactly will work here, take into account the wishes of employees if possible. Naturally, the leader cannot take into account the fact that each employee has his own color addictions (for example, someone likes red, someone is blue, and someone is yellow). However, the middle ground can always be found.

Do not forget about racks and shelves for folders, magazine bells and various documents. An important point is that they should not be bulky and heavy in appearance, because they will put pressure on the subconscious of employees, reducing their performance. Of course, a great option would be a separate rack for each employee. But this is not always convenient, especially if the office has a small area. In such cases, so that documents of different employees are not confused, some managers offer each them to place documentation in folders of a certain color, for example, an accountant — in a green folder, a personnel manager — in a red folder, sales manager — in a blue folder and also. D. In this way, the documents are not mixed up and the labor process is systematized.

Also, the leader should not forget about the halls for negotiations, the recreation area and unofficial meetings. In the premises for negotiations, it is best to put tables of round or oval shape. As psychologists proved, such tables contribute to resolving disputed issues within the team and achieving consent. As for negotiations with partners or competitors, a round table indicates that everyone is equal and helps to make the right decisions. But a rectangular or square table indicates that that is the main one that sits at the head of the table. This complicates the negotiation process.

As you can see, the location of office furniture, its appearance, convenience is of great importance and helps to increase labor productivity of each company employees.