Tasty raspberry wine according to proven recommendations

Raspberry wine, which has a sweet taste and beautiful color, will be your faithful companion with cold evenings of harsh winter. And what is very important, such a drink can safely compete with the already famous humanity from different grape varieties.

The qualities and characteristic features of raspberry wine made at home

A logical question arises, why is the wine from raspberry inferior in terms of consumption of the same drink, but from grapes? The drink is quite strong. It is also sweet, you can say sugar. Such taste, resembling liquor, rarely find fans for themselves. In order to somehow soften them in a purely raspberry liquid, other berries are added.

So, for the preparation of wine, you can take raspberries of completely different varieties. Those who love a rich red-brown color can take a red berry. You can dilute the dominance of raspberries in the drink, using white currants and a well -ripened gooseberry. True gourmets who love to savor sugar drinks can make a wine masterpiece from forest raspberries.

Raspberries need to collect or buy the one that is about to go over. You can not use the spoiled, dried or attacked insects berries, because they are able to ruin the taste of the future wine. It is also completely forbidden to at least somehow wash raspberries. The thing is that yeast fungi live on it, and they just make the wine wander and become an alcoholic drink.

One of the most famous recipes of raspberry wine

We take three kilograms of raspberries and approximately equal to this mass and mix everything. Sugar should be used as much as you like, but the standard involves about two kilograms. Do not be afraid to conduct experiments, they will help to decide on the taste of wine for you. Before you start cooking, you need to grind the berry in mashed potatoes. This can be done using modern equipment in the form of a mixer or meat grinder.

When the berry puree is already ready, move it into a capacity of steel unable to tag. While it is leaving there, mix half sugar and water, so you get a syrup. We take clean water, the one that we drink, but it can not be boiled. When you cook sweet sugar syrup, make sure that the water does not boil in any case. So that sugar in it dissolves, it should just be warm.

Next, we measure the temperature of the syrup, which should be 23 degrees. This indicator is very important, if it is lower or higher than the indicated, then the wine will be, or slowly wander, or even refuses to do it.

Now mix raspberry puree with sugar syrup, and leave to rest in a dark place. But do not forget to measure the temperature of the liquid, it should go to twenty degrees. Every day several times, picking up a spoon of wood, interfere with the contents of the container, so that the whole Mesga surfacing upstairs is drowning again.

Когда пройдет чуть больше недели, стоит просто перелить забродившую жидкость из одной емкости в другую, а потом обратно в исходную. Now we remember the remaining portion of water and sugar. Again we make syrup out of it according to the already described technology and add to the drink. This process just gives the guilt of the fortress to which it is famous. When everything is mixed, for seven days we give liquids calmly wander further.

So fifteen days have passed, which reduced the force of fermentation of raspberry wine and significantly divided it into sweet juice and a thick pulp. This is a signal that it is time to take a watering can or sieve and pursue a liquid in different bottles. After the spill, we close each container with water -loaders.

Now the drink is spilled into bottles, and it can be placed in a rather cool place, for example, in a cellar, for a month or one and a half. Thus, the whole sediment, which should not be consumed, will drop to the bottom of the bottle. After the specified period, we take sterile bottles, it can be old bottles from under the purchased wine, and pour our wine into them. Cook everything with traffic jams and leave again for two months. Stood such a period of time, the drink will be ready to use.

Such a problem with yeast bacteria may arise. On the first day, they may not be bubbled, which reads a lack of heat in the room where the wine is located. There is a way out, because you can only warm up part of the juice received, but, without bringing it to 100 degrees, and again put it back into the container. It is worth mixing everything and then the process of long -awaited fermentation should begin.

Raspberry wine — a relatively quick product. Therefore, it is not recommended to store it and insist for more than one year.

Different methods for cooking raspberry wine

It is worth trying other methods of cooking wine, which will delight with something new.

So, the first method intends to take 5 kilograms of raspberries and squeeze them well, turning into juice. Immediately add 300 grams of sugar to the liquid and one liter of water. The latter should be room temperature. The remnants of raspberries from which the juice was also squeezed must be poured with a liter of water, and leave for five hours to infuse. After that, it is worth it to squeeze it thoroughly, and pour it into the first juice. In all this liquid we add yeast leaf and put in a warm place for ten days.

After the specified period, add sugar to the resulting juice, the sugar ratio should be 150 grams on the next liter of tincture. Fermentation will begin and when it ends, it is necessary to add alcohol. For example, about 250 grams of alcohol are added by five liters of wine. We mix everything, add more sugar depending on your taste preferences, pour tincture into different bottles and clog. The wine should be stored in a cool place.

There is another way to make raspberry wine. The following stages should be passed:

We take 10 kilograms of raspberry berries and mix with four liters of clean water. From the wort, squeeze pure juice and again add the specified amount of water;

Two days later, the wort is squeezed again, receiving two portions of juice, in which we add 1 liter of currant juice and sugar — five kilograms;

Pour the liquid into a bottle or other container and let it calmly wander;

When the process is over, we pour everything into separate bottles.

In addition to wine, you can cook a delicious raspberry liquor. For such a drink, frozen raspberries can be suitable. To make two liters of raspberry liquor, you need to get 500 grams of raspberries. Add alcohol and water there in the same amount and, of course, sugar (700 grams). Pour a little vanilla sugar and 6 grams of citric acid. Raspberry needs to boil in water, it will take about an hour. We take the berries from the water and add sugar. The syrup has cooled down, add the remaining ingredients. Pour everything into a bottle and let it brew.