Suspended ceilings made of drywall — light manufacturing technology

Sluttered ceilings made of drywall not so long ago became fashionable, but firmly and for a long time. And now, almost all designers, developing the interior, prefer to create complex, multi -level ceilings, since the suppressive Gipro allows them to carry out their fantasies without unnecessary investments, labor and time.

The use of drywall on the ceiling is the main advantages and disadvantages

Installation of gypsum plastic ceilings

Such ceilings are mounted for insulation of the apartment, to hide the irregularities and flaws of the main floor, to highlight part of the lighting and for beauty. The design of the suspended ceiling made of hydraulic cardboard is made of sheet material and profiles.

Positive sides:

Gipro allows you to eliminate the irregularity of the surface with the least costs;

Any type of lighting can be built into the plasterboard ceiling, with the correct installation of which, the repair will acquire a finished look;

The use of the Gipro in the decoration of multi -level ceilings allows you to use various contours, any design of the structure bends and create niches;

It is possible to install additional soundproof insulation, and if you need thermal insulation;

Non -professional can also install a plasterboard ceiling, because plaster work is not needed, and there is no need to wait for the surface to dry;

Installing structures from Gipro technologically easier.

Negative moments:

Due to the use of profiles, the height of the room decreases from 6 cm;

It is necessary to get a screwdriver and a perforator (take on rent or ask for a while from friends);

yourself (alone) to mount a hinged ceiling made of drywall is difficult. Therefore, one assistant is needed.

The choice of material

The bulk of the gipper is sold in sheets with an area of ​​3 kV. m. There are three types that differ in the composition and color of the coating:

The usual option is gray;

moisture -resistant option — green or bluish;

Fireproof gipro — pink or reddish.

To choose the right material, adhere to the data below the recommendations:

Buy the products of universally recognized manufacturers of Gipro and profiles;

If the repair is carried out in a room or loggia, then gray sheets are used. If the installation of a suspended ceiling made of drywall is expected in the kitchen, or in the toilet, accordingly, a moisture -resistant version of green is used;

Fireproof gipro can be used in the kitchen (above the stove)

For facing the ceiling, a hyper is used up to 1 cm thick, and to cover the walls thicker and heavy sheets (thickness up to 13 mm).

Calculation of the material

How to make drywall ceilings?

Before acquiring the necessary materials, make the calculation of the right amount of gipper, profiles and fasteners. The calculation is made like this. The total area of ​​the room is divided into 3 (the standard area of ​​the sheet of the Gipro) and rounded towards the increase. It is better to purchase 1 sheet more, in case of a breakdown of one.

For accurate calculation, it is better to prepare a surface drawing. Two options for installing sheets for a room with S = 22 kV. m are shown in the drawings.

Calculation of a single -level ceiling:

For example, if the area is 22 kV. m (5.5 * 4), then

22 /3 = 7, 33 = 8 + 1 = 9 full sheets.

Profiles (PG) should be mounted perpendicular to the front door of the room, but not when the doors are located on the long side, which is much more than 3 m (standard PG length). If the width is smaller or equal to the 3rd m, then the profiles are mounted in width, every 250-500 mm (depending on the load on the ceiling). For example: width 2.7 m, length 4.7 m

4.7 / 0.25 = 18.8 = 19 profiles (if a very heavy chandelier is hung, for example),

4.7 / 0.5 = 9.4 = 10 profiles (if the load is small).

When calculating the PG for a multi -level version, additionally take into account the height of the levels of level (or niches) multiply it by the length of the steps and put the resulting result with the general.

For example: under the conditions of the above, it is necessary to make a second level of 20 cm per ceiling width:

2.7 * 0.2 = 0.54 kV. m.

This is about 1/6 sheet.

In this case, you need to add the number of profiles. 1-2 pg is added to each new level.

With a room of the room 3-6 m, they purchase approximately double profiles, and in the middle of the room they strengthen two additional supporting pg.

With a large load, it is recommended to insert between the longitudinal guide crossbars (pieces of PG)

Use profiles with a width of 5 cm with thick walls.

When using narrow profiles, their deformation and collapse of the structure is possible.

Multi -level ceiling

To calculate the two -level (or more) design, a sketch of the future ceiling is necessarily made. For example:

We have 7000 mm by 4600 mm. We want to make an oval step. The approximate location of the sheets of the main part is shown in the figure. Two sheets are enough for the rest (uninhabited) (two halves on each side).

To perform the oval, 4 full sheets of the gipper are necessary, and to close the side of the step (20-25 cm wide), one will be enough

With a complete count, we will be released:

10 + 4 + 1 = 15 . Taking into account the reserve, you need to buy 16 sheets.

Plasterboard suspension ceiling instructions for assembly

The ceilings are single -level (straight) and multi -level (with ledges and niches).

Consider the device of a direct suspended ceiling made of drywall and work on its installation. To do this, proceed to marking the surface:

We find a low corner in our room, measuring all the corners of the room with a roulette from the floor, and mark 5 cm below the ceiling level. When installing the fixtures, we make the mark at 8 cm distance;

Using Waterpas, laser level or hydraulic level, we make the same marks at the corners at the level of our first point;

All the marks obtained must be equally interconnected by the line using the painting cord.

It is pulled and abruptly released (he must hit the wall). On its surface there will be a paint from the cord in the form of a flat line. Connect all your marks around the perimeter;

We make marks of the position of the PG (ceiling, walls);

We begin to fix the guides on the walls. We apply one guide so that its lower edge lay on the drawn line. We mark the holes on the surface of the wall (drill them through the profile with a thin drill). We drill the place marked on the wall (Burim) with a drill (perforator);

We glue the sealing tape on the PG and strengthen it on the wall with dowels (3-4 pieces per span);

Then we mark the ceiling guides. With a sheet width of 120-125 cm, it is necessary to place the profiles on the gaps of 40-45 cm for normal strengthening the giper in the middle and along the edges;

make jumpers (if necessary) between profiles. We select their main step equal to 0.4 — 0.5 meters;

We attach to the desired points of the suspension ceiling, make markings for anchors (two marks for each);

We drill out the marked places;

We attach suspensions to the anchors. You can not fix the suspensions on the dowel made of plastic (large load);

start mount the profiles from the corners of the room. Your assistant must keep the profiles with the rule, and you will screw them with four self -tapping screws with the press — washers to 2 suspensions and 2 guides;

Check the horizontalness of the design you collected;

Attach the second profile and go to the other side of the room, repeating the above work in another corner of the room;

Go to the center and, using already installed profiles as a support, complete the ceiling lattice;

For suspension of a heavy chandelier, insert two profiles in the middle;

Strengthen the jumpers at the joints of the giper, using four self -tapping screws for each fastener;

Sound and thermal insulation inside the ceiling is strengthened using self -tapping screws

Having collected the frame, we install Gipro, letting it depart for several days. The fasteners of the gipper to the frame begin, previously removed the chamfer on all sheets with a knife at an angle to the edge, for the subsequent filling of the seams with putty. When we make a suspended ceiling from drywall, you must remember that the material itself is brittle, so when cutting the champs, do not rely on it with a knee.

The sheets of the material are fixed with self-tapping screws (in step 25 cm) pre-retreating from the edges of the sheet by 11-16 cm. The hats of self -tapping screws sink flush. Gipper is better to fasten together a scope, moving each sheet to a cell.

The perimeter should be left 3 mm slit. Each sheet of the gipper is fully fixed.

Multi -level ceiling

It is more difficult to do it. Consider a design of two levels. For example, we need to (for beauty) make an oval protrusion for suspension a chandelier according to a drawing familiar to you.

At the marked points, the main suspensions (with long ears) of the second level are attached. If there are no special suspensions, you can make them in two ways themselves:

Take the suspensions you have and connect them using bolts with a nut.

For the manufacture of the suspension, apply the iron strip (1 mm), drilling and bending it.

The assembly procedure for this level is this:

Install suspensions and collect the frame.

First cut out and strengthen the levels of level sides with self -tapping.

Then the sheets of the gipper are fixed with screws.

Cut the protruding parts with a knife or hacksaw.

If necessary, processed with a skin

To bend the giper, it is pierced along the length with a special roller or awl and moistened (abundantly) several times with water.

Seaming of seams and cracks

The main installation of a plasterboard suspension ceiling ends with putty work. The seams are covered with a primer and let it dry. A particularly durable type of putty is used to close the cracks and seams. It is not recommended to use a regular mixture. Remember that you need to pour powder in the water and stir, and not vice versa.

First putty the seams, then the hats of the screws and joints. Align the surface with a wide spatula. When everything dries, glue the seams with a sickle. A new portion of putty is bred, smearing the tape and the remaining roughnesses. Then the final putty is made by the usual method.

After installation work, you can begin to finish. Gipro can be painted, whitish, glued wallpaper, plastic panels on it … Ceiling skirting boards can be glued along the wall.

List of materials


Ceiling standard profiles 60×27 mm.

Crab — single -level to connect profiles.

Extensors are profile (if necessary).

The suspensions are straight.

Anchor wedges.


Self -adhesive sealing tape.

Switch grouting.

Armoland (Serpyanka).

Self-tapping screws (step 25-30 mm).

Self -tapping screws with a puck.

Primer (preferably acrylic).

Spatula of different sizes straight and profile (corner).

Sheets for sound and thermal insulation (if necessary).

List of tools.

Set of standard tools: knife, hammer, roulette.

Perforator, drill (drill).


Malar thread.

Laser or Waterpas level.

Bubble level, 1.8-2 m long.

Rule 2-2.5 m.

Homemade waterwork. It can be made from a simple transparent “hose” or polyhlorvinyl tube with traffic jams with a diameter of 10-20 mm, longer than the dimensions of the larger room.

The hydraulic level is filled with a liquid of 0.5 m less than the size of the tube and is valid according to the method of communicating blood vessels. If you work yourself, then fix one end of the tube at the right level. Raising the second end of the tube, outline on the wall the place where the water reached the second end (traffic jam). The line drawn between these points will be perfectly horizontal.