Suburban real estate transaction?

At the present time, many citizens, in order to relax from the bustle of the city and gas content, are in a hurry to breathe fresh air, admire the beauties of nature and let their children go for a walk, and they decide to acquire a suburban real estate. After all, all the best in this life is done only for children.

When the decision has already been made and the country of the country house should soon find its new owner, I would recommend that you take a closer look at the sale of plots along the Mozhayskoye highway, where very good infrastructure has already been developed, the area itself is very beautiful, and the prices are pleasing.

By the way, we hasten to notice that when paperwork for the same real estate, there may be a lot of various questions that will first need to be sorted out.

Many suburban houses built in the era of the Soviet Union or during perestroika (that is, at the end of the twentieth century) may not be decorated as this requires current legislation. And land plots issued free of charge for the development of houses outside the city also include this.

In such cases, people who decided to acquire real estate outside the city in the lap of nature should be very careful and check all the necessary documents from the seller of real estate. After all, if the documents are not in perfect order, then the transaction itself may not take place, since the correct execution will take an additional time spent.

In the process of concluding a transaction on the acquisition of suburban property, in the contract on the purchase — sale, future owners must indicate the cost of buildings located on the acquired land plot and the cost of the site itself. This is done so that an unscrupulous seller after a certain time suddenly does not submit to these owners of claims to the expense that the buildings that are not indicated for any reason in the contract are actually belonging to him.

It is necessary to take into account such a nuance as an agreement on a sale — sale, and with it you must also need an act of acceptance — transfer of all suburban real estate, since this act will be one of the main documents when executing a transaction.

In order for everything to be issued correctly and legally when executing a suburban real estate transaction., The following package of documents should be available:

a) the statements of spouses certified by a notary;

b) documents on confirmation of the personality of both parties that make a deal;

c) documents for the purchase of suburban real estate;

d) and documents describing this property.

Data of the above documents when applying for a transaction for the purchase of suburban housing are considered the main. But there are also such documents, the importance of which is secondary, but mandatory.

Inquiries should be attached to the main documents that the submitted suburban property is not prohibited or arrest, that the real estate seller owes nothing to tax and other contributions. The presence of such certificates will save the owners from unpleasant surprises in the future.

How to draw up a suburban real estate transaction?

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