Stained glass ceilings

When the interior in the apartment can no longer arrange stylistically or morally become obsolete, we begin to think about repair or redevelopment. The question logically arises: “How to make the interior unique and at the same time truly comfortable?». There are many ways to achieve this, but we will reveal only one — the use of stained glass ceilings. This is a bold solution for your apartment that can give it a unique truly cozy atmosphere.

Stained -glass windows are used to decorate premises since ancient times. There are many techniques of their implementation, characteristic of different countries and peoples. This art is actively developing and improving, and to this day. Modern stained -glass windows for the colorfulness of the design and relevance of the plots implemented can successfully compete with all modern materials used to decorate the ceilings. In ancient times, stained -glass windows were mainly used to decorate monumental religious and social structures. Nowadays, their use is available to everyone. In addition, with the development of science, several techniques for their manufacture.

Murmansk casting is a way of industrial production of stained glasses. At first, a special cliche is installed in the workshop, individual for each pattern, which is then poured with a glass mass painted in the desired colors and shades. It turns out a whole stained glass window, the size of which is limited only by the capabilities of the manufacturer. The only drawback of this method can only be called a huge cost.

The answer is obvious — you just need to make stained glass ceilings yourself. This is far from as difficult as it seems to each of us. There are several technologies for the implementation of such a plan, different in complexity. Consider them in more detail.

DIY stained glass painting


The tools you need:

Cardboard sketch;

stained glass;

paint for stained glass;




corporate solvent;

cotton sticks and discs (for correcting small flaws in work);

needle (for piercing bubbles);

Burned tablet;

Watch the video about the manufacture of contour stained glass.

We start assembly:

Rinse the glass that you chose for the basis of the future stained glass. Avoid touching the glass with your fingers so that dirt or fat does not get on it. Under it you need to put a sketch of the picture. After that, the marker draw the contours of the picture. After drying the lines, you can start coloring.

Tip: if you dump the paint into the cell, and then evenly smear it on the glass, then the “gloss” of the image will be the best.

Avoid painting the cells in parts, otherwise there will be differences in shades between the paint sections applied at different times, and the stained glass windows will look untidy.

Patch stained glass windows according to the English methodology

Patch stained glass windows according to the English methodology

The English technique is much simpler than the Tiffany Technique (in view of the significant difficulty of execution, we will not consider it in this article). Its indigenous difference is that it uses whole sheets of glass to create stained glass, and not slices collected together.

The tools you need:

All the same sketch of cardboard;

stained glass film;

the tools necessary for working with the film (roller, special spatula, knife and scissors);

lead ribbon (you need a knife and a clamping tool);

soldering iron with consumables necessary for soldering;

Work on the assembly of English stained glass is best done on a well -lit work surface.

We start assembly:

First you need to cut the glass according to the size of the future stained glass window, then place it on the sketch. A lead tape is glued along the lines of the future pattern. She will replace the seam from tin, which is present on stained glass windows made according to the classical methodology. After that, you can turn the glass and apply the pattern. The drawing is applied using a self -adhesive stained glass film, which with this technique replaces the paint.

The color and texture of the film must correspond to the selected pattern of the stained glass. After its application, the joints are glued with the same lead ribbon. The joints are soldered by tin, you can apply a patina to achieve an appropriate style solution. In the finished stained glass, the contours of the picture are indicated on both sides of the glass, the color film is only on one.

The technology of English stained glass is very simple, and takes very little time. Thanks to this, it is very popular, products made with its use often appear on sale. Everyone can easily make a stained glass ceiling with its help.





Lightness of design.

Simplicity of work.

The possibility of installation on double -glazed windows.

Pseudo -dodes — easier, but by no means worse

Film stained glass

Method No. 1 — cut out of multi -colored glass.

Having done preparatory work, glasses of the corresponding color are laid out on the sketch and cut along the marking lines. To do this, use glass cutter designed for crooked lines. Having cut out all the pieces they are laid out on a transparent glass-one and attached to it with silicate glue. In appearance, such a stained -glass window is almost indistinguishable from the classic.

Method No. 2 — wire frame.

Having prepared the sketch, you need to take a soft wire and make the frame of the future image from it. We glue it on the glass-blue and, after drying, color the resulting cells. After the paint dries, it is covered with varnish and the stained glass wind.

Method No. 3 — just a film.

At the same time, the version of the performance on the glass is very neatly glue the pieces of color film cut in size.

Installation work

Installation of stained glass ceiling has a lot in common with the installation of the suspended. The same system for fastening the load -bearing profiles is used. When assembly, it is necessary to install the load -bearing elements of the suspension along the perimeter of the ceiling and walls. Since this stage of work is very important, we make high -quality settings of the mount in level. After the installation of the guides, anchor bolts are placed, to which the structure will be attached, and we install guides for glasses.

After the suspended frame is assembled, you can insert the stained glass slabs itself into it. After they find themselves in the cells, they must be additionally fixed with self -tapping screws for reliability of fastening.

In the event that your room has significant sizes, it will be useful to strengthen the design of the frame, making it double -row, and add additional fasteners to the walls and ceiling. The rows of the frame should be interconnected by standard corners for the profile. Remember that it is always better to unnecessarily fix the objects located above your head.

Of course, there are other opportunities for attaching stained glass to the ceiling. It all depends on the desired result. Find for yourself the best option for decorating and installing a stained glass ceiling, and it will bring comfort and joy to your apartment for many years.