Simple and affordable ventilation in the basement with your own hands


You can create the required microclimate in the basement using natural or forced ventilation. Very important ventilation for the «residential» basement, t. e. For the one in which people are often present for a long time.

The main point: make the correct calculation and arrangement of the ventilation system.

How to do ventilation in the basement? This question worries everyone who wants to worry about the preservation of the premises and their things in the future. Conditionally we can talk about the existence of natural and forced ventilation.

Natural ventilation.

The weight of the air is directly related to its temperature. The outer cold air is slightly heavier than warm, respectively pushes it up. Later, already heated, it is replaced by another fresh new air mass. This is how natural ventilation occurs. The air enters the basement through the leaks of doors and all possible hatches and windows. If this is not enough, forced ventilation is used. DIY ventilation in the basement with a forced method is more effective.

Forced ventilation and calculation.

Forced ventilation with auxiliary means ventilates the room, taking and the air of the air. The easiest auxiliary is the fan.

So that the ventilation fully performs its functions, it must be correctly calculated, given the needs and characteristics of the basement. The first thing to do is to calculate the cross section of the pipes. There is a simple selection rule — this is the dependence of the cross section of the pipe on the area of ​​the room.

For example, for a room with an area of ​​10 square meters, the pipe cross section in centimeters is selected 2 times larger. Therefore, in this case, a pipe with a section of 20cm is used. This calculation rule is used when using ventilation with the input and output air duct. If an extract is used with one pipe, then the cross section should be 3 times larger than the area.


The elementary way to make ventilation in the basement is the installation of an supply and exhaust ventilation pipe. They must be placed vertically on the opposite angles of the room. The supply pipe is placed as low to the floor as possible, and an exhaust — under the very ceiling. This is how the maximum amount of area and volume of the room is covered. Below is such a cellar ventilation scheme.

1 — supply pipe

2 — graduation pipe

Also, do not install pipes in one level with a wall. On the street you need a supply of pipe for installing a visor, and in the basement — to preserve the wall from possibly incoming moisture. The pipe located on the street should have a length that will provide normal traction. The higher the pipe, the better and faster the ventilation will occur. Such a simple calculation of the basement ventilation will maintain normal conditions in the basement.

Video — basement, ventilation