Self -leveling mixtures for the floor

In order to achieve a perfectly flat floor, without a bitch and a bitch, we need self -leveling mixtures for the floor. Many neglect this in vain, because alignment of the floor with a self -leveling mixture has many advantages, including a simple execution procedure available for everyone, pouring the floor with a self -leveling mixture with their own hands is available for everyone, for this only elementary tools are needed. Among the advantages, it should also be distinguished by resistance to low temperatures, excellent plasticity, does not harm others, waterproof and, of course, increases the period of operation of the main sex. So, we made repairs, made a ceiling, walls, and now it remains to clean the floor from the remnants of past work and start filling the self -leveling mixtures, where to start?

Paul restoration

We see here a lot of cracks of chips and potholes from workers, the worker dropped the perforator, someone scratched the floor with a stepladder. We need to eliminate these troubles with the help of a solution, mastic, grout and spatula, so that the self -leveling mixture perfectly falls on the concrete screed, the better it will be prepared — the better and the mixture will lie better, and the less costs will be.

Preparation of work

After we restored our floor, we need to know what we need to work? This is a perforator or a construction mixer, for interfering the mixture, a roller with a long handle 1.5 — 2.0 m for aligning the mixture on the floor, or a toothed spatula, a container for interfering with a solution, it can be a plastic unnecessary large pelvis with a capacity of 40-50l, a capacity for filling in hard -to -reach places, for example, a pipe or a battery where the roller does not crawl, an unnecessary bank, and I need, ideally, the construction rule 2.0 — 2.5 m, in order to see defects and eliminate them.

The start of work

The self -leveling mixture for the floor, the consumption of which is 13 bags of the mixture, at 20kv m, a very whimsical thing. You need to mix it quickly, use technical pauses to align defects, and water set, this is about 7–7.5 liters per bag, contrary to the instructions of the manufacturer, who advises to use 66.5 l of water per bag. The time for which our mixture freezes is about thirty minutes, therefore we need to forget about everything for an hour and a half, exactly so much is needed on average for filling the floor 20 m. sq. Before starting work, it is necessary to inspect the floor for the presence of “lighthouses” (wooden guides, according to which the builders drove the rule in order to be even) to knock, if the void was heard under the “lighthouse”, then it must be eliminated and the formed seam. You should also bring everything you need to the workplace, bags with a solution, a container, a roller, a perforator, it is also very important to find out if the water will be turned off at the most inopportune moment.

Working process

Pour the contents of the bag into the pelvis, pour 7 liters of water, thoroughly interfere with a homogeneous mass, let it stand a little, and at this moment you need to go for water for a new portion. You need to start from the far corner, pour the mixture carefully, our small unnecessary jar, for example, from under a paint with a capacity of about 3l. To ensure uniform spreading of the mixture, pouring new portions, they should be well equal to a roller, eliminating air bubbles, influxes, etc. In breaks, when a new portion should either go for water or equalize our mixture with a roller, do not forget that we have half an hour to fill and leve it. It is possible to use a gear spatula instead of a roller if we have small floor planes, or mop with a rubber tip, if large. One rule needs to be done for sure — to do the as large as possible in the shortest possible time so that the mixture does not have time to freeze, and we were able to equalize the kneels with each other on the floor. Otherwise, the last batch will differ significantly in density from the first, and it will not work to compare them, which is fraught with a defect in the form of a small hillock. For huge surfaces, it is quite advisable to use the work of several people.

We need to make two layers — the first is the restoration of the bulk layer, it is needed to better adapt our main layer with the lower material, and the second is the main. The restoration layer may be applied to various materials, including wood, a tree technique is not much different from concrete techniques, mainly opening wooden surfaces with a primer, fixing the creaking floorboards, shallowing with mastic with mastic, fixing the reinforcing mesh with a construction stapler.

Both layers are possible from different types of mixtures, they are divided into rapidly hard -harding, special, thick and finish. If the surface with many defects, for example, the old creaking parquet, is in good condition in order to tear it off but, and not suitable for further operation (for example, the room will be redone under the bathroom), then in this case it is best to cover it with a special self -leveling mixture at first gaps and pour irregularities. Then you can choose either a thick -layer type or fast -hardening, this is the same restoration layer that will bury all the shortcomings and bumps under it. And the finish is designed for final work, where you need to hide small hillocks in the center of the floor and hollows on the sides.


After a day, our layer grabbed a little and you can walk along it, you need to take into account that ideally it is possible to grind the floor only after three days, although the manufacturer can write that the solution grabs in 3 hours.

I take the rule, put it to the floor, and look at the shortcomings of the tubercles and bumps can be cut a little by the rule. The floor of the floor with a self -leveling mixture is a very painstaking and responsible work, depending on where we did not dissolve or poured less, there will be hillocks and cavities. Therefore, you should seriously relate to this procedure, small defects up to 3 mm can be corrected by the rule, but if defects are 5 mm or more, then you need to either put the tile or pour another layer.

And our floor is ready to extend the designer linoleum, which will surprise all the guests congratulating you with the end of the repair.