Secrets of kitchen design

Kitchen — one of the most difficult premises in the house in terms of repair. Firstly, when repairing, you need to pay attention not only to the aesthetic attractiveness and organic of the interior, and secondly, high humidity, temperature changes, mechanical influences on most surfaces impose their restrictions on interior design planning. Of course, ideally, it is better to entrust the compilation of a kitchen interior to a professional designer, however, in practice, not every apartment owner can afford these expensive services.

But, if you adhere to some tips, it is quite possible to achieve exactly the result that you want to see. So, first you should decide what exactly you want to see in the end. Try to compare this with what you already have at the moment. And after that, begin to consider various options on how to «blind» interior «from what was». For example, if you want to get a spacious and bright kitchen, but you have an initially small, dark room, then you need to think about how to visually expand the space — light colors prevailing in the interior, well -chosen lighting, compact and maximum functional furniture, refrigerator with Nofrost thawing system (functional and stylish), which is in the corridor… In general, there are many options.

In any case, planning the repair of the kitchen, you need to carefully consider the layout carefully. There are usually no problems with kitchen furniture — you can order furniture on an individual project, which will allow the most harmoniously to fit the furniture into the room with all its features. At the same time, custom -made furniture will not only allow the most organically to arrange the kitchen room, but will also make it possible to make the kitchen precisely. You can also determine the required number of lockers, boxes, their dimensions, depth, structure — all this will make the kitchen interior not only stylish, but also as functional as possible.

The choice of refrigerator, stoves, dishwasher will require a slightly different approach. It is very important to purchase precisely high -quality goods, while paying attention to that it allows you to significantly facilitate the work of the hostess, was durable, functional. You should also not forget about the aesthetic attractiveness. Fortunately, in the modern market there is such a wide variety of different models that you can always choose exactly what is suitable for all characteristics, starting from cost and ending with functionality.

For example, a huge number of models are represented from different manufacturers alone — these are single -chamber refrigerators, two -chamber, large and small, with a defrosting system, thawing — you can list for a very long time. For example, Whirlpool refrigerators, distinguished by high quality, durability, can also boast of a variety of design — any colors, shapes, sizes will allow you to choose exactly the model that will harmoniously fit into the interior.

In general, it should be remembered that there are no trifles in repair, and it is better to spend time and money on high -quality, durable, stylish repairs, than to return to repair work again and again.