Repair in Novostroy. What affects the individuality of the apartment?

Repair in the new building — the case is scrupulous and requires a thorough approach. Especially if the apartment was bought in a new building. Paul, walls and ceiling are already prepared for laminate, ceramic tiles… What to do next?

The cost of repairs can be different and, in principle, is limited only by the imagination and capabilities of the customer. And yet you can roughly calculate the costs of future repairs. Attention should be paid to several key points that affect the price: materials, technologies and cost of repairman services.

The repair price directly depends on the selected materials and technologies. The two -edged stick: either you are betting on modern materials and get an apartment created according to the latest trends, which will cost you more than cheaper traditional materials. On the other hand, your investments will pay off a hundredfold: after all, many modern materials allow you to embody more bold and innovative design in style, and in some cases significantly save on further operational costs. That is, in fact, the choice of materials and technologies depends on how you see the interior and how much certain solutions are justified in it.

But perhaps the most indefinite value in the component of the repair belongs to the third point — the cost of the work of the repairmen. The difficulty is that the fee for the services of builders is calculated in different ways. Someone calculates the cost of work in proportion to the cost of materials, for example, in the amount of 90%, someone forms the price based on the number of team employees, their qualifications, and so on. We recommend, first of all, to evaluate the experience and professionalism of workers.

It is better to immediately entrust the repair in a pre -chosen, reliable construction company with many years of experience. Working with professionals, you save your time and nerves. You have to envy the estimate that includes the requirements for work, coordinate the final cost of repairs, exercise control and accept the work performed.

Before starting repairs in a new building, it is necessary to take into account that the rebuilt house will shrink. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out finishing work in the apartment using high -quality building materials that are not afraid of shrinkage. For example, glue the walls with dense wallpaper from silk -screenshop, stretch ceilings will fit upstairs. Cover the floors in the bathroom and toilet with a layer of a plastic mixture designed for vibration and which prevents the tile to walk. Parquet can be safely laid to the floor, as it is practically not subject to shrinkage.

If you decide to buy an apartment in the LCD airship, remember that it will be impossible to redevelop, especially with the replacement of supporting structures, without agreeing with the relevant organizations, the list of which can be found in the housing and communal services serving the house. The fact is that incorrect redevelopment can lead to weakening the supporting structures. The same requirements are made on ventilation work, as well as work related to the installation of hot water supply and heating. In any case, these works should be done only by qualified specialists, since later, in the event of an accident, the responsibility lies with the owner of the apartment.

Wiring. Installation of reliable electrical wiring will ensure the fire safety of the apartment from its overheating and closing during overload.

Therefore, it is not necessary to save and purchase an electrical wir with a sector supply that would not only cover the needs of all existing electrical appliances, but also take into account a possible increase in energy consumption.

Now in the construction market you can find a huge number of building and finishing materials, which is required to pay special attention. When buying finishing materials, you always need to pay attention to the availability of quality certificates, since foreign non -liquid goods are often sold at the price of normal. The same recommendations should be taken into account when choosing doors, accessories, paints.