Rationality against greed!

Why are the repair volumes fall? What can make the thing renovate? What is the benefit of the restoration of the bath? Psychology and reality.

We only consume and everything…

The fact that we live at a time when the psychology of consumption dominates, many understand. Just some try not to think about it, so as not to spoil their moods. But if you leave emotions aside, and focus on facts and phenomena, then you can pay attention to this. The psychology existing today leads to the fact that the number of people who buy a new thing is increasing, instead of repairing the old.

No, of course, in many situations this action is justified and reasonable. Either the repair is generally impossible, or is not economically beneficial. But in a number of cases, a renovated thing serves no worse than a new one, and more than one year. That is, here they are no longer so much practical as psychological motifs.

And when to repair it is profitable?

However, even now there are things and situations in which it is wiser to go for the repair or restoration of the old thing than to buy a new one. And the fact that such a service as the restoration of baths is in demand in the market only confirms this idea. Naturally, the question arises: why?

There may be several reasons, but one of the most important ones is a bath, as a rule, is in a room from which it is extremely difficult to take out. As well as bring a new. Cut? The old one is still possible, but a new? If a few more reasons, but they are no longer so serious. To their number to include:

«headache» with pipes that will have to be changed

Difficulties with dismantling if the bath is above the first floor

negative consequences from work — dust, noise, etc

That’s why the owners decide on the restoration of the bath. Moreover, this is done once in a fairly large period of time. And that’s it, the bath is like new! Of course, this happens if professionals are taken up for the matter. Moreover, high level. And they, as a rule, value their work highly. Therefore, those who are used to saving on everything falls into the next situation — hires masters cheaper, they do work poorly, and then he raises a scream, they say, as a meaning in this restoration?!

And the matter is not in the technological operation, but in its own greed!