Optimal terms and technology of transplantation

It is not always possible to originally and best place the rows of gooseberries in the best way so that there are no inconvenience in the future. Over time, there may be a desire to redraw the locations of the bushes. This can contribute to the idea of ​​creating the Moorish lawn, the reluctance of plants near the house or attempts to protect the weaker shrubs that were not planted in a favorable place for them. In terms of transplanting or moving with bushes, it is not as difficult as with trees and do not need to chop them under the root, and the transplant itself does not require great effort and a large amount of time.

The best period for gooseberry transplantation is autumn. Since the collection of all fruits, the bush will not be buried by fruits and, transplanting it to another place, all his forces will go to take root in a new place.

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The most favorable place for transplanting gooseberry shrubs

The best places for the growth of gooseberries, in which it can be as fertile as possible — in the solar territory in which there will be the least winds. In highly moistened or clay areas, there is a possibility that gooseberries can get sick with various fungal diseases, in this case, the crop will be very small.

For the most good crop, it follows:

under planting, choose territories with loamy lands;

if necessary, bring lime before planting bushes in the soil;

It is better not to plant gooseberries on areas where raspberries or currants grew before, because after them the earth will be exhausted, and then, if there were pests, they will quickly take on gooseberries, since these pests are common to these plants;

transplanted shrubs at the most favorable time for this;

Before planting the bush, you need to walk and rinse the soil well.

But, when you free the territory in your garden, you should take into account that when transplanting gooseberries, you need to leave a free place for a long one and a half to two meters.

Useful tips for proper transplanting gooseberries

Of course, each gardener itself determines the time when it is best to transplant gooseberries, but still, it is better not to do this in the spring, since gooseberries then bloom very early. But most importantly, not to miss the most favorable time for transplanting the bush, because after the appearance of the kidneys on the branches it is undesirable to touch the root.

Cutting gooseberries is advised in September or October, also at this time you should get rid of all old and damaged branches, leaving the youngest. This in the future contributes to the lack of difficulties with growing.

The sequence of actions that are taken during the transplantation of gooseberry bushes:

First you need to dump the cut shrub around the base at a distance of at least 30 centimeters, and they get rid of the thick roots using an ax;

After that, the gooseberry bush is pulled out of the ground with a shovel and put on a prepared plastic film, after which they are moved;

Then, you should choose the territory to which the bush will be transplanted, and dig a hole on it, about 50 cm deep;

In the Yamka itself, 4 liters of water should first be poured;

Fertilizers are also falling asleep here;

The shrub is inserted into the hole and a fertile mixture is covered on the sides;

After that, you should tamp the Earth and water it well;

at the end — sprinkle with dry land.

The shrub that was transplanted should be even more deepened into the ground than it was previously deepened. Enough distance and five centimeters. In a warmer season, the shrubs should be watered before frost, removing the mulch and its bed in place. As for the cold winter periods, it will be enough to insulate the bush with sawdust.

They transplant gooseberries not only to free up the territory or move the bush to a more favorable place. Also, these tips can be useful for those who transplant gooseberries for reproduction. Transplanting shrubs in the fall gives the most effective result.

Gooseberries are really a plant that requires a lot of effort and efforts, but, of course, it’s worth it, because how nice it is to enjoy ripe juicy berries, especially when you know that all this is grown with your own hands. The main thing is not to leave the business on the halfway and carefully prepare all the shrubs for winter, otherwise they will simply freeze and disappear without having time to bear fruit.