On a new lesson position for construction work

On a new lesson position for construction work

For soldiers of the artisan teams and other non -billing workers, the lesson was less from the lesson. It was stipulated that during work in winter the lesson was reduced half, and in the fall and spring — by one third. Physically weak workers were also supposed to reduce the size of the daily lesson.

In Moscow, the Beneficial board of the digger amounted to rub., laborer — 90 kopecks., carpenter r. 35 K., mason r. 50 K., Malyara — p. 40 K., Stolyar — p. 60 K. Only new specialties that came to construction from industry were paid above (the first -hand locksmith received 2 r. 50 K. per day, locksmith of the second hand — 2 rubles.).

In addition to the illustrated reference book of Rochephor, other, however, significantly less well -known normative guidelines were published in Russia. For example, in 1895. P. P. Marfeld released “A Guide to draw up estimates for state and civil structures and simplifying the calculations of the lesson position”.

In the current construction system, the contractor was set between the consumer and the construction worker and played the role of the “carrier merchant”, “Monitor merchant”, etc. D., to which the functions of organizing work at the construction site have also passed.

With this circumstance, as well as the seasonality of work and a significant number of workers with agriculture, it was due to the fact that construction, unlike other industries, did not have permanent personnel.

Compared to the pre -reform time, the position of workers in the second half of the XX in. It did not improve at all.

Construction legislation continued to be determined by the construction charter of 1857., which was supplemented in 1876 and 1879.

In general, if in the second half of the XX in. The nature of the erected industrial enterprises, buildings of public and residential purposes has not yet gone beyond the limits of previously known and mastered structures, and the volume of construction work, although increased, has not yet been given.

Today, construction standards are also high, but new materials appear actively used in construction and repair. So, everyone can buy plastic windows today. Such windows have been very popular for many years now.