Necessary medical vaccinations that can save the life of animals

Prevention of diseases

Many rabbits have the wrong opinion, since they believe that decorative rabbits are practically not susceptible to diseases with dangerous diseases, since they are always in the house and do not contact other animals. Decorative rabbits have the highest quality care, and they also have high quality food. But decorative rabbits, like ordinary rabbits, need proper vaccination, even if your animals are not on the street and their territory in perfect cleanliness always.

Rabbits that use hay or natural greens as a nutrition, or their neighbors are cats and dogs, which are carriers of ticks and fleas, that is, the probability of getting bites from insects and mosquitoes.

If your place of residence is not far from water bodies, forests, or if a farm of rabbits is located near you, then you must instill your rabbits. And if your rabbits take part in exhibitions where they can contact other rabbits, then vaccination is the most prerequisite for your animal.

How does vaccination help

Modern medicine stepped far ahead. This conclusion can be drawn due to the fact that we can observe how doctors and scientists find ways to treat the worst diseases. But, at the same time, doctors came up with how to prevent the disease. Because it is really much easier to prevent the disease than to treat it. This can be done by vaccination.

Experienced rabbits believe that vaccination can save pets from diseases and even death. But the beginner rabbit breasters can have justified doubts, since it is possible to solve problems better with their receipt. This opinion is not correct and even dangerous for your animal. After all, some diseases are incurable and lead to the death of the animal.

Doctors provide vaccination from those diseases that cannot be cured. Therefore, it is better not to risk your animals and spend more money on drug treatment in the future. If you do not make the necessary vaccination from a deadly disease, then you can notice the symptoms of the disease at the moment when the process is completely irreversible. And in just a few days, your pet will die, and you can’t fix anything.

At the same time, the treatment of diseases such as mixomatosis and VGBK does not make sense in all cases, since veterinarians make one sentence in such diseases, namely: the euthangage of the animal, in order to avoid protection for other rabbits from the pack.

Due to the fact that modern medicine did not find the optimal treatment of serious diseases, and you cannot save rabbits that are sick, then you should think about such diseases in advance. And only early vaccination can be the only salvation. In time, the vaccination made can prevent the disease and support the immunity of the animal at a high level.

How to vaccinate rabbits correctly

Rabbits need to make the right vaccinations that can really protect the animal from dangerous diseases and death. Decorative rabbits must be made vaccinations that can prevent diseases such as leisterosis, paratyphus, pasteurellosis, rabies.

At the same time, you can make the so -called complex vaccinations that combine the body’s protective forces from several diseases at the same time. But the most important vaccine for rabbits is the one that protects against mixomatosis, as well as against viral hemorrhagic disease (VGBK).

Of course, vaccines are made with a certain frequency, it is recommended to do vaccines from VGBK and Minomatosis once a year, using one ampoule, that is, to make a comprehensive vaccination. Vaccines from all other diseases can be left for later, or rather until the moment a flash of this disease occurs in your region.

Rabbit kids can protect their immunity with mother’s milk. Rabbits cease to eat mother’s milk by approximately a two -month age, it is at this age that the first vaccine from VGBK must be made.

If there is a disease in your herd of rabbits, then the first vaccination can be done at an earlier age, namely at 1 month. Subsequent vaccinations can be carried out after three months in order to strengthen the immunity of the rabbit. After this vaccination, it is necessary to repeat after every six months.

Vaccination to protect the rabbit from mixomatosis is not tied to the age of the animal, because the disease has the ability to be transmitted using mosquitoes, fleas, and other insects that suck blood in the warm season. Therefore, vaccination in winter is absolutely meaningless, but the time, from April to October, is ideal for the vaccine.

Rules for vaccination

Before starting the process of instilling an animal, it is important to observe certain rules, namely:

Between vaccination, it is necessary to withstand a certain time, at least two weeks;

animals of females that bear offspring or feed offspring, it is advisable not to vaccinate;

The already sick animal can not be vaccinated, because this will not change anything;

vaccinations are made only to healthy rabbits;

After vaccination, it is necessary to withstand quarantine, which is two weeks, this is necessary so that the rabbit does not infect from other animals from the pack;

Two weeks before vaccination, it is necessary to conduct deworming rabbit.

The most important thing is that you can make vaccination of your rabbit both yourself and with the help of experienced specialists. But it is important to adhere to the correct vaccination scheme and not violate it, then you will make the right prevention. This is the only way, you can protect your animal from a deadly disease and extend your life. Help your animal and do not put it off in a long box, because this is the life of your rabbit and you are responsible for it.