How does it begin….bar?

How cafe looked at the time of perestroika? Is it difficult to purchase equipment for cafes, restaurants and bars today? What can the situation tell about its owner?

In those time immemorial, when market relations were just entering our lives, it seemed to many that conducting our own business is a rather simple and special cost, that is, investments, did not require. If you want a video show — any shed, sorry, fill in chairs, put a video recorder and any TV — you can already collect money. If you want a cafe, it’s even simpler, there would be tables, but the chairs are not needed, standing people will drink coffee. Which one will work.

And what is the most incredible is that at first a similar approach was triggered. There were such videos and such «cafes». And even brought profit to their owners. But this was until the same market relations showed what real competition is. It soon became clear that comfortable chairs needed in the video show, and there should be more screen on the TV. And in the cafe there should be not only chairs, but also much, much more. Otherwise, not like making a profit, but it will not be possible to survive.

Of course, then there were entrepreneurs who would be happy to equip their business, but where then it was to buy equipment for cafes, restaurants, bars? What — a difficult and advanced question was not even about. Bar chairs, it would seem, is a simple thing, and after all, it was a shortage. Yes, for a shortage, for a long time our masters made all their hands from improvised materials! With greater or lesser success.

Time has passed. The competition has become even more serious. And what can be said about equipment for such institutions? It is called in abundance. Moreover, manufacturers of this equipment climb out of the skin, so that the owners of these same establishments buy their products! Offer various discounts, installments and much, much more. And what to do, they also have competition! And no less cruel than the owners of cafes, restaurants and bars!

What follows from this? What if today you go to some kind of institution-a cafe, a bar, or something similar and you will see, to put it mildly, a poor interior, know that there are no objective excuses! There would be a desire — to acquire everything you need for the bar, starting from the little things and ending with kitchen equipment in a few days. The reason is one of the two — either the owner is greedy, or believes that customers will cost anyway. Tell me, why give your money to such a master?