Grapes planting in spring seedlings

Spring is the most suitable time to plant grapes. During the season, the bushes will have time to grown noticeably, young shoots are lignified, and the root system is to grow up.

So that in the future, grape seedlings delight gardeners with a crop, it is necessary to choose the right landing material, properly plant it and provide appropriate care. All this will be described in this article.

Ways to propagate grapes

Grapes can be propagated with the help of cuttings, sprinkling shoots with earth and layering.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Suspending the Earth’s escape, it is necessary to leave its upper part on the surface with 3-4 buds. Moreover, over each kidney of the escape, which will be underground, its own seedling with roots and the ground part will be formed. In the fall, these sprouts should be divided by each other and planted in a place that will be protected from winter colds (in open ground, such seedlings will simply freeze). This method of propagation of grapes is used only in the southern regions, where it is possible to take care of future grapes for future bushes — feed and water regularly. For colder regions, this propagation method is not suitable.

The most popular in garden areas is the method of propagation of grapes with cuttings. Since the place for grapes is limited, a large number of seedlings are not required. Usually, cuttings are cut in the fall and store them in a dark cool place in a sand container, which should be regularly watered. In early spring, the cuttings are placed in transparent containers and begin to germinate. In order for the root system of cuttings to form faster, you can add special drugs stimulating the growth of the root system to the solution. In order for seedlings to sprout faster, it is necessary to drain them using special daylight lamps.

When the cuttings have roots, they can be planted in special bags filled with a nutrient mixture. Typically, in the third decade of May, seedlings sprouted enough to plant them in a permanent place.

Features of grape planting seedlings in spring

Planting grape seedlings is somewhat different from the landing of shrubs or fruit trees. The main actions when planting grape cuttings are as follows:

the right place for landing is selected;

pits for planting grapes are born;

A special pipe is dug through which I will be watering and feeding grapes;

the necessary fertilizers are made;

Seedlings are planted in fully prepared pits along with a lump of earth.

When choosing a place to plant grapes, it should be remembered that this culture loves sunny areas protected from the wind. Although grape bushes require regular watering, they are very sensitive to stagnation. Therefore, the site on which this culture will grow should be well drained. And it is better to plant grape bushes on the slope, but not in the lowland.

Preparation of seedlings

Seedlings before landing require special training, so they are taken out of the cellar about 25 — 28 days before landing.

In order for the root system of this planting material to “wake up”, the seedlings should be placed for 48 hours in a container with a solution in which stimulants of roof growth stimulants are added.

When the soaking procedure is completed, you should carefully examine all the roots of the plant, remove the damaged and weak.

The roots are left on the two lower nodes, and all those that are located above are removed with a sharp knife.

The ends of the roots should be cut so that their length is about 24 cm.

Lateral shoots on the bushes remove almost everything, leaving only a few of the strongest. Stepsons are also removed, and shoots are cut into 4 — 5 kidneys.

Seedlings, in which shoots on the cut are dried, are non -viable, so they are not suitable for landing. Also, those bushes of grapes are not planted in which the roots blacken or dry.

Planting pit and its filling

The sizes of the pit for grape seedlings should be as follows: in depth of 0.8m, and in the radius — about 0.3 m. Crushed stone or gravel is laid out to the bottom of the pit, the thickness of such a drainage layer is not more than 0.15m.

A special metal pipe is installed on the southwest side of the pit, the length of which is 100 cm, and the radius is 25 mm. It will be carried out through it, watering seedlings, as well as fertilizer solutions.

Then you should prepare the mixture in which the seedling will grow. To do this, mix deciduously and fertile ground in equal shares, mix and put on the bottom of the pit with a layer of 0.2 m and ram. On top, pour out the next layer ordinary ground 0.1 cm thick.

A grape bush is planted in this pit. It is necessary to carefully straighten the roots along the diameter of the pit, and fill the root system of grapes with the remaining earth to the top. You should not tamp the soil so as not to damage young roots.

Seedlings after planting

After planting, care for young bushes is regular watering, loosening the soil around them and the removal of weeds. You should also regularly inspect plants for serious grape diseases as milde and powdery mildew.