Glazing balconies with plastic windows

Lodge or balcony is the only place in a modern apartment that can be used to store all those things that are rarely used, or for drying underwear. But often they are just empty. Be that as it may, urban dirt and dust also come here.

Forever get rid of these unpleasant things, you can only order glazing balconies with plastic windows in only one right way.

Any person who lives in an apartment building sooner or later begins to think about glazing his balcony. Some dream of increasing square meters, for example, turn the balcony into a cozy room for relaxation or a winter garden. Others need to isolate yourself from street noise.

Well, someone wants to protect his balcony from moisture, cold, wind and dust. All this is easy to implement if you decide in advance to the type of swelling.

Glazing options

A cold version (summer) in the glazing of a loggia or a balcony uses a profile of aluminum. The design is very strong, despite its subtlety and lightness. This method is the most economical and simple for those who want to protect their balcony from moisture, wind and dust.

Also, the installation of such structures will help save on a free place of the loggia or balcony, since they are already initially sliding.

Warm option (winter) when glazing the balcony, plastic windows are used. They are designed for a fairly long life and are equipped with a rotary-oxide or inclined-sliding system of opening. This method will perfectly suit those who dream not only to protect their balcony from all kinds of unpleasant precipitation, but also at the same time expand the living square meters of their apartment.

In this case, a small room will appear, which can already be used for your purposes.

The advantages of each type of glazing

Each type of glazing has its own undeniable advantages.

Cold glazing is equipped with conveniently opening sliding sashs and their design itself is very compact and is suitable even for the narrowest loggias.

Warm glazing often has a non -standard design solution, an interesting decoration and can significantly increase the illumination of the balcony. Another advantage of plastic glazing in comparison with an aluminum profile is a great opportunity to decorate under a tree with various colors. And the specially designed construction of Strezev allows you to use more and large sashs and use them on high floors with increased wind loads.

Watch Video: Wormed Windows — Glazing of Lodge

Watch the video: Maximus windows — turnkey glazing glazing, technology

Watch Video: Loggia glazing

Watch the video: Light glazing of balconies and loggias

Watch the video: glazing balconies and loggias. Stella windows.