Features of the installation of an electric meter

Installation of an electric meter is a very important stage during the equipment of a new house or apartment, and such an installation is carried out after receiving all permits. Installation is carried out according to the rules for the device of electrical installations (PUE). The counter itself also needs to check and call an electrician to the house, even at the first stage of preparing electricity wiring. First of all (if the meter was previously operated at another facility), it is necessary to set the time of the state checks, which is indicated on the lead/or plastic seal of the case — this period for a single -phase counter is two years. And for three or phase-1 year. Moreover, one side indicates the quarter during which the check was carried out, and on the other side — the last two numbers of the year. The second seal is on the lid, it is a seal of the energy company, it does not need to be taken into account. But for complete confidence, it is better to call an electrician to a house for consultation on all you interested in the issues.

The counter must stand without distortions and inclination (no more than one degree — this is the maximum). Have a stable base in the form of a shield, box or metal cabinet. It is better if the counter is located at the level of growth of the average person, although the rules allow the installation of this electrical appliance in special cases at an altitude of 40 cm, but not higher than 170 cm. The main rule, for installing the counter is free access for maintenance, if you call an electrician to a house, as well as replacing or repairing an electric meter.

There are several requirements for installing a three-phase counter. Such a input counter should be able to turn off power supply. But there is a feature: regulatory authorities should not perceive such a system of shutdown as your attempt to circumvent the law and as an attempt to theft of electricity. In order to avoid such conclusions, it is better to install fuses or an interruption in a separate closing corps with the possibility of sealed by the controlling organization. Moreover, such an interruption should be placed no further than ten meters from electrical panel/electric shield/box. And the possibility of taking readings should be from each phase. The zero wire should be indicated in a special way. Of course, it is almost impossible to perform such work by a specialist. Therefore, to call an electrician to the house will be the most reasonable solution, especially since at the end of all work on the wiring of the electric system in the house, it is necessary to put it into operation to the energy supervision.