Features of metal rolling, its use

Metal distribution — metal products that are created on specialized equipment — rolling mill, using the method of rolling metal. Classify products according to various parameters, for example, according to the material of manufacture, they distinguish between black and non -colored, as well as stainless metal rolling.

Black metal

The basis of the black metal rolling is raw materials, which is distinguished by high indicators of reliability, strength. These are manganese, cast iron, iron, as well as various alloys. The main consumers of the ferrous metal production were transport, agriculture, heavy industry, construction.

When buying a metal rolling, there will be no superfluous help from professionals. For example, by going to the site MS37.RF, you will see the current prices for metal in Ivanovo, and having contacted managers by phone, you can get help in the calculation of tonnage, as well as delivery and cutting products.

Non -ferrous metal

Fainted metal products are made of raw materials with special properties. The main feature of non -ferrous metal is its increased resistance to corrosion. Products from it, in comparison with black metal products, have a smaller mass. The material that is used for the production of non -ferrous metal rolling is copper, bronze, brass, aluminum. Sometimes, in its manufacture, the alloy of several elements is used in order to obtain certain properties.

The cost of non -ferrous metal is significantly higher than that of black, so its use should be justified. The main consumers of non -ferrous metal production are high -captive areas of industry, for example, cosmic, chemical, electrical. In everyday life, he also found his application. but in much smaller volumes.

Stainless metal

The advantages of stainless steel metal rolling is the possibility of prolonged operation. The protective coating ensures its resistance to atmospheric phenomena. The surface of the product is quite decorative, it can be matte or polished, due to which stainless metal supply is widely used in the manufacture of goods for the house. By purchasing metal rolling, it is very convenient when one supplier can purchase decorative elements, as well as fasteners, such as on the website of the enterprise M-Service

Metal distribution variety

Variety in the metal rolling is called a variety of forms and sizes of products. Depending on the profile options, the main types of metal rolling can be distinguished:

Sheet — can be produced by separate sheets or a whole roll. It is a hot -melted thin (up to 4 mm) or hot -rolled thick (more than 4 mm), cold -rolled, and corrugated board is also produced — special products for exterior decoration.

Serving — there can be two types: a simple hexagon in the water, a square or circle and reinforcement, which has been used for reinforcing reinforced concrete products.

Shaped metal rolling — with its cross section, more complex figures are formed. Merchant metal rolling can refer to mass products, for example, a corner or a channel, as well as specialized products: railway rails, rails for tram movement, special profiles for agricultural or industrial vehicles.