Features of independent preparation of a solution for plastering walls. Dry mixtures

You started repairs, calculated the estimated expenses and the outcome of the amount turned out to be large. Plastering the walls bought in the store with a finished mixture, it turned out to be not affordable for you. And now, stop halfway. By no means. You can cook plaster material yourself. And he will not contribute to the appearance of a serious gap in your budget. In addition, there are frequent cases of falsification of finished mixtures. You yourself will achieve quality plaster.

We recall the most popular materials that were used to knead the solution. It goes without saying that we have no at home in stock. We head to the construction market and acquire simple components — cement, sand, clay and lime.

We begin to do plaster at home.

The astringent property from this is inherent in clay, cement, or lime. Sand acts as a filler. We prepare a water -based solution.

The use of one binder and one filler is common. In some cases, two are used, depending on the tasks set in the type of solutions.

From what the proportions of the components are taken, different types of solutions are obtained. Usually there are three of them.

We will characterize everyone. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of them:

— When adding above, the binding component is obtained by consistency a fat solution. Subsequently, cracks appear on the walls after drying;

— Achieving the optimal ratio of the astringent and filler manages to obtain a normal solution;

— The most short -lived — skinny. In it a filler in smaller quantities than recommended. Such excessive savings will not lead to anything good. The plaster comes out poorly, excessively fragile, and there will be no long time on the walls.

It is theoretically clear, but how to see what type it turns out in practice. For this we have a trowel with which we apply it to the walls. It is to them that we will determine that we have prepared. We lower the trowel into the resulting mixture. If you see the sticking of pieces, then the solution in the composition is bold. In the absence of visibility of stooping, you have a skinny solution.

The normality of the solution is indicated by the presence of a thin plaster film on the outbuilding.

The cheapest and most popular solution prepared from a proven dry mixture, sand and cement. When using a cement related to the M-400 brand, the most optimal ratio of cement 1 to 3.This means that you must take 3 parts of the sand and add 1 part of the cement to it.

Water is not added at first, mixing is dry in a dry way. Then the water gradually adds, until a given consistency is obtained. Then you can add glue on the basis of PVA.

When using lime, lime paste is prepared, which is added to the sand. It is quite problematic to figure out if the plaster is normal. Lime, as you know, has a different degree of fat content.

Follow the next rule. It is necessary to control the process, adding sand gradually. Increasing strength is achieved by the addition of cement to it, at the rate of 1 kg, for 10 kg of the prepared mixture.

Lime plaster is prepared according to the likeness of recommendations for lime. The ratio of added quantities, the proportions made are directly related to the fat content of the plaster. To make it stronger, cement is added.

When preparing, it is necessary to take into account many factors. The difference for what conditions it will be used for external work, or for internal. The surfaces on which it is applied are valid. Optimal proportions are selected in practical way.