Features of designing hotel institutions

The construction of the hotel, as well as the construction of any other facility, begins with the development of the project. There are many of their nuances in the design of hotel institutions, we suggest that some of them are considered.

What needs to be taken into account when developing a project?

Special regulatory safety requirements are presented to the hotel, nevertheless, we are talking about an object in which there are constantly a large number of people, and all these standards are taken into account when designing. And taking into account this, the main task of the designer is to create an object in which the conditions for the normal non -stop work of the hotel would be created.

At the same time, comfortable conditions should also be created at the hotel, the design must correspond to the style and profile of the institution. The hotelier generally pay special attention to the interior, because the number of hotel customers feels in the room in the room. For example, the Mandarin hotel attracts guests with a thought -out interior, exquisite design, original elements in the design.

Another feature of the hotel is that it has many different for the purpose of the premises, and the specialist needs to think over their correct placement. In particular, these are a kitchen and restaurant, warehouse premises and reception zones, room fund and premises for recreation and work (fitness center, conference room, pool, sauna, billiards).

The main stages of hotel design

Which rooms will be in the hotel depends on the profile of the institution, desires and financial capabilities of the customer. For example, in a mini-hotel, in general, in addition to the kitchen and a room fund of other premises, there may not be a whole complex of additional services in a large hotel, which implies the presence of many rooms.

For example, many additional services for customers are offered by the Hotel hunter Moscow, we note that it has many good hotel complexes oriented to different guests.

Design begins with the development of technical specifications, it is created together with the customer and design organization. The customer indicates what he wants to get, after which experts are developing a project. At the first stage, the status of the hotel, its concept and a set of services that it will provide is determined.

Then experts develop sketches of the appearance of the building, layout, interior of the premises. As we have already noted, a special attitude is given to design. We add that it is important to entrust the work on the design of a professional company, since only specialists can develop a competent project, taking into account the regulatory requirements, capabilities and wishes of the customer.