Do you need to so primer drywall before putty

Even those who are not engaged in construction, and are not at all connected with this area, have repeatedly heard about the need for priming before putty.

This is a special mixture that is applied to the processed surface, providing reliable adhesion. In addition, this tool is intended not only for these purposes. After all, the primer can:

block obvious defects of the stained surface;

increase adhesive clutch;

identify the texture of the tree;

provide an antifungal effect;

Protect from corrosion (if we are talking about metal).

In the case of drywall, this also has its own degree of significance even despite the fact that this material is even in itself.

Why should drywall be primed

The masters of their business will probably definitely answer the question of whether drywall should be primed. But this is provided by technology. The feasibility of applying primer to drywall:

After absorption of the primer, it becomes stronger.

Thanks to the primer, the strength of the seams can be ensured. The quality of further work, to a greater extent, will depend on the chosen material, but for first it is necessary to primer the surface.

As mentioned above, putty is better on the primed surface.

Before acquiring a primer, with particular attentiveness, take it to its choice. It is far from the fact that the most expensive material will be better, but consultants in the store can help decide on the choice.

How to choose a primer for drywall

In the modern building materials market, the assortment is madly wide, and even experienced specialists can sometimes make a mistake. However, in the case of a primer for drywall, everything is relatively simple. First of all, you should think about drywall itself. Which to buy?

Although many manufacturers can now boast that they produce a universal primer and it is absolutely indifferent to whether gypsum plasters will be painted, or wallpaper and so on. Depending on targeted destinations and the primer is selected.