DIY Siding Home Siding — save a lot of money and nerves for workers!

Ciding for home siding today is very popular, in particular due to the availability of material and the excellent appearance of the finished design. But, as you know, in order to properly and qualitatively, the house should have certain skills and study the main nuances and tricks that must be used in the process of lining.

House sheathing with siding: preparatory work and tool

In order to successfully perform all the necessary operations when lining with siding, you will need to stock up on the following tool:

small -tooth saw, preferably a file for metal and several paintings;

hammer (preferably 2: per 100 and 300 grams), screwdriver and roulette;

level, plumb, square;

bailiff, preferably sectional;

One of the main advantages of siding is the possibility of lining in almost any weather, at a temperature of +45C to -12C. At temperatures below -12C, plastic already loses its mechanical properties and can split.

Any siding clarification begins with the establishment of the crate: a wooden or metal crate, depending on the preference of the master and the material of the building, which will be sheathed. For a wooden crate, you can use almost any wood, but it is better to use material with a humidity of not more than 8%, that is, completely dry wood.

It is important to remember that siding is not attached close to the wall, there should be an air cushion between the material and the building — this is the only way to avoid the formation of fungus and mold on the material from the inside. The wooden crate is treated with anticorrosion mixtures, as well as mixtures against biological corrosion. The step of the crate is about 35cm.

If the lining of siding is carried out using insulation materials, as well as the house is stone, then it is necessary to make a crate from metal, namely, profiles. The profile should only be galvanized so that it is not corroded over time, such a profile is attached by drilling the wall and the establishment of plastic dowels.

Do-it-yourself siding will cost much cheaper than hiring groups of builders, since work will cost 60-70% of the cost of the material, including the crate. Therefore, it is worth mastering the whole process of sheathing, including the fastening of siding, although this is far from easy process. A qualitatively sheathed wall should:

do not have visible joints;

be perfectly flat, both visually and when measuring the level;

to be completely blown, you can not block the passage of air from the inside of the siding;

have a tidal aesthetic appearance.

The first stage of work on the lining of the house with plastic

The fastening of siding is best done with ordinary self-tapping screws so that it is possible to redo it if something goes wrong at first, but it, believe me, will certainly be so, because the first time it comes out very rarely.

The technology of casing with siding requires a certain sequence and accuracy. The first to be installed water polls, it can be a metal corner, as well as a drain bar, these siding elements will protect the foundation from moisture hit. Fixing hard drainage is much easier than a flexible bar on top, the main thing is to use the level of installation and not start work further, until everything is displayed to zero.

Establishment of starting rails when lining the house with siding

Exactly exposed rail around the entire perimeter of the house is already 90% of success in the correctness of siding, since it is the cause of all curvatures and “waves” along the walls. Siding is installed in the starting rail, sat down to a characteristic click, and then only attached to each other, when the installation of additional siding elements will be carried out. House sheathing with siding (photos can be viewed in galleries) is made from the bottom up, sequentially and stripes. After the wall is completely “typed” from the stripes, the hiding of the corners is a very important element in the process of casing siding — the installation of special finish corners. If everything is done in level and extremely accurately, then the corners will be fixed without problems, and will not have visible defects.

Installation of finishing rails when lining the house with siding

The finish rail is attached directly under the overhang of the roof, as well as in the places of the end of the walls. It is worth considering that the siding does not screw to the rake — it should be attached only to each other and other panels. The technology of lining the house with siding also provides for window decoration — the most time -consuming process that takes a lot of time and nerves. The alignment of siding itself will not be much work, but you will have to work for a long time with measuring tools and a metal file. In the process of screwing siding, it is necessary to leave the space in 1-2mm between the screw of the screw and the material, since the material will “play” when the temperature drops will be “played”. Here you can cite a similar example with the nap of slate — we pull it up, but do not tighten tightly, let the material sag.

In general, after the establishment of a crate, angles, racks (starting and finishing) and windows will remain the simplest — to screw the siding to the marked structure. This is the easiest process, and if you do all the preparatory work correctly, then your do -it -yourself siding is easily easy, relatively fast and fruitful!