DIY insulation of loggia

Many modern apartments have loggias that are very rarely used by people for any purpose, except for a warehouse for various unnecessary things. However, with proper insulation of this room, as well as with a beautiful and original decoration, you can apply it for many directions. The room can be used as a summer dining room or bedroom, and in winter, due to competent insulation, no harm to the things that will be in the room will not be applied.

Often the owners of apartments completely destroy the partition between the loggia and other rooms, increasing their footage. However, any change in the purpose of the loggia involves making adjustments to it, and first of all there is a need to insulate the room.

DIY insulation technology of loggia

Preparation for the upcoming work

Initially, it is necessary to carefully study the loggia itself in order to determine from which materials its main elements are created. As a rule, the floor is represented by a reinforced concrete base, which is quite simple to heat, and any floor covering can also be laid on top. There are also often there are concrete walls.

Often the fences are made of metal, and in this case it is recommended to perform brickwork, after which the structure is insulated. However, before performing this work, make sure that the stove will withstand such significant loads.

After insulation, it will be important to finish the premises, for which such finishing materials should be selected that can withstand temperature changes will be attractive and bright. Most often, unique decorative plastic panels are used, however, it is allowed to use properly dried and processed wooden elements or other materials.

Glazing of the loggia

Before direct insulation, it is important to glaze in this room. If you miss this work, then even when using high -quality and expensive insulation to guarantee the perfect result of the work will be impossible. The fact is that through low -quality double -glazed windows, cold can penetrate into the room, which will be very difficult to protect against.

Therefore, if poor -quality glazing is detected, you will have to create a new. With limited financial capabilities, it is possible to insulate the existing structure, however, after that it will have not too attractive appearance, and such a solution will be ineffective.

Choosing material for insulation

Insulation should be carried out only by high -quality and suitable material, which will be safe for residential premises, as well as many factors resistant to many factors and durable. The material should be bought in advance in the optimal quantity so that it can be insulated quickly and without unnecessary interruptions.

The most popular heater can be attributed:

Pephonol, which is a multilayer material created from polyethylene foam and aluminum foil. It has not only excellent thermal insulation parameters, but also stable before the influence of moisture, and also has good soundproofing characteristics. As a rule, when it is used in the process of insulation of the loggia, it is combined with a foam.

Foam. This material has long been used in construction and decoration, since it has established itself as a magnificent insulation produced in tiles of different thicknesses.

A foam, which is a foamed polystyrene that has passed the process of extrusion. It is not only an excellent insulation, but also has insignificant weight, and also to work with it is convenient for both a beginner and a professional.

Mineral wool is considered the most popular material for insulation. It is represented by spongy material, which looks very similar to ordinary cotton wool. In the process of its production, fiberglass and basalt fiber are used. Differs in good resistance before moisture and excellent thermal insulation parameters.

Square of the loggia

This process takes place in several consistent stages. These include:

Floor insulation. This process is usually carried out using mineral wool. For this, the existing flooring is removed, after which the reliability and evenness of the base is checked. If necessary, it is aligned, after which a waterproofing layer is laid on it. Then mineral wool is laid so that there are no cold bridges. A vapor barrier is formed on top. Next, a crate is made on which you can lay any floor covering.

Ceiling insulation. Before insulation itself, it is important to make sure that the surface is even and without any defects. If they have, it is necessary to initially carry out repair work, after which the insulation begins. For this, the ceiling is processed with waterproofing materials, after which the heat -insulating layer is formed on top with the use of the crate. To do this, mineral wool or foam can be used, as well as other types of insulation. The resulting layer is covered with a vapor barrier.

Wall insulation. This process will have to pay a lot of attention. The most optimal choice for this is the foam. First, a layer of waterproofing is created using a foam. Further, heat -insulating plates are gradually placed, which can be glued to the surface or laid in the cells of the crate from wood or metal profiles, and this design should be formed in advance. A waterproofing layer is created again from above. After that, the plastering mesh is mounted, and only then you can proceed to the direct wall decoration.

Thus, the insulation of the loggia is considered not a very difficult work that does not need to spend a lot of money or effort on. However, it is thanks to this process that you can get a warm room that can be used at any time of the year for absolutely any purpose.