Cross gluing floors

Linoleum, laminate, parquet — floor coverings that the majority prefers. But after all, these names are not limited to the list of flooring. There are other materials, no less functional and aesthetic. And one of them, which I really want to talk about, is a cork floor. The cork floors are completely well -deserved popularly abroad, but in Russia they have so far become less widespread and, I must say, completely undeservedly.

Cork flooring has a number of very serious advantages. First of all, we note its high level of environmental friendliness. Since natural raw materials are the basis, the material itself is distinguished by excellent hypoallergenic properties and is suitable even for such delicate rooms as children’s rooms.

Another serious plus is simplicity and speed of styling. The technology is so simple that you can, not too much in a day, lay the flooring in the living room in 30 squares.

Of course, one cannot fail to note the excellent operational properties of traffic jams. It does not absorb moisture, is not subject to destruction as a result of decay, easily restores the previous form after compression. As a result, it is very nice to walk on it, the flooring in this case as if it were a little spring.

In addition, cork floors hold heat very well, this coating can actually be laid on bare concrete and at the same time your floor will always remain warm.

And the cork floor will provide you with excellent sound insulation.

The combination of all the properties listed above makes the cork coating almost universal: it can be used both in the kitchen (and the cup that fell to the floor will not break), and in the children’s or even in the bathroom (and how nice it is not to stand in a cold tile after the bath, and on a warm and soft cork coating).

Which cork floor is better: adhesive or castle

I must say that a cork floor is not just a bark removed from a tree. This material is made by grinding under a high pressure of wood, in which some substances are added (cellulose, wax, resin, fats, ash and nitrogen mixtures). As you can see, mostly these are natural substances.

If you decide to make cork floors in your house or apartment, you will probably have a question of choosing a technology by which you will lay the flooring.

To date, there are two main technologies:

Castle styling is also called a floating floor. The coating in this case is laid on a principle that is very similar to laying a laminate. To fix the boards, the so -called lock is used among themselves. This method is distinguished by a high styling speed. But it is only suitable for dry rooms.

The second styling technology is called adhesive. As obvious from the name, in this case, the floor boards are attached with glue. This is a much slower process than castle styling, but in this case, the cork floor can be laid in any room, regardless of humidity.

Glue cork floor laying

Choosing and buying glue is a very important stage. And if you can consult a consultant in the store regarding the choice of its specific type, it is better to calculate glue consumption in advance. It is worth saying that the consumption is very affected by the composition of the coating on which you plan to glue the cork. So, for concrete you will need at least 1l glue per 4kv. m, but for the fiberboard, this figure will halve twice.

Laying is made from the center of the room to the walls. The laying surface should be even and clean.

As a rule, before the launch start, glue should be left for a while.

The laying process itself looks like this: apply a layer of glue to the back of the tile and lay the tile on the base. For alignment, you should use a wooden hammer. Also quickly remove the entire excess glue protruding from under the tile.

Tiles that are placed by the walls, need to be carefully trimmed with a sharp knife. Between the wall and the cork coating, you need to leave a distance of at least 0.3 cm.

After the completion of the laying process, we leave the tile for 2 days to completely dry the glue. After that, our flooring must be covered with varnish no less than 2 layers.

Cross glue floor Wicanders

One of the most famous and popular manufacturers of cork coating in Russia is a company from Portugal Wicanders. Their materials are characterized by very high quality and are made from environmentally friendly raw materials. The company offers a large range of cork coatings that can be used in a room of any purpose, whether it is an office, apartment, production room.

The manufacturer also offers cork floors, which immediately have a varnish coating.