Correct grape planting — recommendations of an experienced gardener

If we correctly determine which grape variety is suitable for these climatic conditions, and determine the fitting method for it, grow grapes and collect a good harvest of berries, can be in any of the regions of the Russian Federation. This article tells about the intricacies that you need to consider when planting grapes, how to choose the right way to plant it and what to do so that the seedlings grow well.

Two main methods of planting grapes — each is ideal for certain conditions

Do not refuse landing on your site of grape bushes just because you do not know which way of landing is suitable for this case. In fact, it is not difficult to determine this, and the result of the right choice will be a great crop of delicious berries. You need to choose a method of planting grapes, guided by the climate information in which the vine will grow.

If in this area a large amount of snow falls in this area, which can cover the roots close to the surface of the earth and protect them from frost, and in the summer the sun does not warm the soil strongly, and if groundwater passes high, it is better to plant grapes in the ridges. This method has many advantages:

less likely to flood the roots;

Soil and roots quickly warm up in the spring;

roots and the entire bush are provided with good air regime.

If the winters in the region are notorious, the sun warms the earth well in the summer, and groundwater is deep, you can wait for a good result when planting grapes in trenches. Advantages of landing trench:

With this method of planting the plant, it is convenient to water;

The roots are well protected from frosts, even with a small winter;

unstable spring grapes can be preserved with return frosts;

It is convenient to lay the vine in the trench.

Planting grapes in ridges

With this method of planting, grape roots will constantly be in excellent air, water and temperature conditions. In the rain, the risk of waterlogging of the roots is minimal, and the supply of their oxygen occurs around the clock. The root system in favorable conditions grows rapidly, heading, both in depth and in the width of the trench,

For proper planting, you should prepare a special land mixture close to a neutral reaction. To do this, mix the loams taken in equal parts, a mixture of sand with gravel and humus, and add fertilizers such as superphosphate and potassium sulfate. In this basis, precipitation can freely penetrate into the lowest layer.

Rids are poured from the resulting soil mixture, into which grapes are planted. Sufficient height of the ridge is 30 cm, and the best width at the base is 1m. The slope of the ridge should be gentle so that the snow is better lingered on it and performs a heat -protective function. Thanks to snow feather, the soil in such ridges is always loose and warm. But if there is little snow in winter, and the weather is frosty, it is recommended to cover the ridges with corrugated cardboard or sow them with special plants — gidrats that can be removed in the spring.

With this method of landing, in order for top dressing and watering to be greatly beneficial with plants, small pieces of a metal pipe must be dug into the slopes of the ridge of about 30 cm. diameter. And to improve the air and thermal balance, you can dig into the ridges empty bottles with a neck down.

Planting grapes in pits

Experts consider the best time to plant grapes early spring, but if it is planned to plant in the trench, it will need to be prepared in the fall. It is better to plant grapes so that during the day the sun evenly illuminates it. Such a landing will be if the trenches dig in the direction from the south to the north.

The trenches are usually digging at a distance of 2 meters one from the second, and their depth and width in the ideal case should be half a meter. Fill the prepared trenches with a specially prepared earthen mixture. A layer of coarse sand or small stones is laid out to the bottom for better aeration and drainage.

Also, closer to the bottom, the greatest concentration of mineral fertilizers added to the earthen mixture — potassium sulfate and superphosphate should. This arrangement of fertilizers will allow the roots to receive better nutrition, which means that it will affect the crop well.

The earthen mixture for filling the trench is prepared in equal proportions from humus, upper layer of garden fertile land, river coarse sand and gravel. When filling with this mixture of the trench, it must be well tamped, and poured after the end of filling with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

When planting bushes with slightly dried roots, you need to hold them for a while (about 2 days) in water. After that, the roots dipped a specially prepared mixture of rotted manure (1 part) and clay (2 parts).

If the roots are open, did not dry, but slightly grown, they need to be cut to 20 cm before planting.

If grapes are planted in the fall, the earth is well tamped, watered with warm water, and then huddled to avoid excessive drying. This can not be done in the northern regions, since the risk of drying is small, even sometimes you can leave it unclosed.

In the spring, experts advise, in order to achieve the speedy warming up of the roots and good development of the bushes, sprinkle the roots with a 10 centimeter layer of the prepared soil mixture, cover them with mulch and film, which is removed during the onset of constant warm time. In conditions of heated soil, in a warm and humid environment, the roots develop much faster, and the plants are strong and gaining strength with a high speed.

Plant grapes in trenches to different depths, depending on the composition of the soil. In clay soil, the roots are buried at a distance of 20 cm, and in sandy — 50 cm. With this landing, it is convenient to use special pegs, as when planting young cherries, so that the seedlings are smoother. Later, it will be convenient to tie the grown and strong grape vine to these pegs.

If you choose the method of planting grapes, guided by these simple rules, and care for plants in accordance with them, a reward for zeal will be a good harvest of delicious juicy berries.