Choosing material for kitchen furniture

The modern market is very wide — this is not a secret. A person who is not a specialist in some area is practically not able to choose a really good and relatively inexpensive product for himself. Anyone whose subject of interest was furniture for the kitchen will encounter a variety of materials from which this very furniture is made. Non -professional cannot understand all this diversity. But it does not matter, having read this article, you will easily figure out what exactly you need.

So, let’s start with the highest quality and, accordingly, expensive material. Veneer. This material is well signed by musicians — after all, high -class musical instruments make it from it! The most valuable wood species are used for its manufacture.

MDF (better known as the medium density). The furniture for the kitchen provided for sale from this material has a much lower price, and in quality is almost no different from the veneer. It is a «carpet» of dried wood fibers. This is currently one of the most popular materials.

In turn, the classic fiberboard, which until recently was a leader, is currently almost supplanted from the market popular MDF. The raw materials for this material are waste of logging and woodworking, but do not be scared, the fiberboard is rightfully considered very high -quality material, and if you are limited in finances, do not be afraid to choose it.

The material of chipboard is usually used for the manufacture of countertops, walls and shelves of cabinets, table legs, structural elements of furniture and the like. It was invented back in the thirties in the then ruined Germany as the cheapest material. When choosing this material, you must be extremely careful, it can be dangerous for health! When buying, do not be too lazy to ask the contents of the form of the process in furniture, as well as ask for documents that are certifying. If this indicator is above 10 grams per 100 grams of clean material — in no case do not buy this product! This material to this day is one of the most common in Russia, but the offered kitchen furniture offered for sale is rarely made of such potentially dangerous raw materials.

Modern trends in the material for kitchen furniture — countertops from quartz agglomerate. Quartz at the moment is one of the most environmentally friendly materials.

And, whatever your choice, successful purchases to you!