Choosing a heating boiler

The good owner will take care of the warmth in the house in advance and will not postpone this issue before the onset of cold weather. And for the installation of high -quality heating, first of all, you need to decide on the boiler. We will tell you how to choose a heating boiler.

Heating boiler — the basis of the entire system

In the houses of the private sector, in dachas and just in country houses, only an autonomous heating system is put. And this type of heating has many advantages. Start with the fact that the owner of the housing with autonomous heating does not depend on the communal workers. He independently supports a convenient and comfortable temperature for himself, he monitors the fuel consumption. In case of breakdown, there is no need to wait until someone decides to start repairs somewhere. So autonomous heating in many parameters is much more convenient than centralized. But in order to mount high -quality heating, first of all it is necessary to choose the main element of the system, its “heart” is a heating boiler. After all, it is the performance and energy intensity of the boiler that determines the efficiency of the entire heating system. One of the important aspects when choosing a boiler is an affordable type of energy carrier. Gas, liquid fuel, solid fuel or electricity. It is necessary to take into account the type of mounting boiler. Here are all these options and you need to consider.

All types of heating boilers:

1. Fuel boilers.

2. By the method of installation, boilers are floor and wall. Usually wall -mounted and compact. This type of boilers is designed for heating houses not very large area. They can be placed almost anywhere, while the flooring basically needs a separate room (cube-knitting). Even a special type of gas boilers with a completely closed burner has been developed. And with a fence of crap air from the street. Such boilers can generally be placed anywhere. Well, except shower cabin.

3. Well, basically, of course, you need to proceed from the possibilities of supplying energy carriers.

The most profitable is gas. But as you know, gas centrals are not everywhere passed.

In second place diesel fuel. You just need to be confident in the timely rebound. Plus, mandatory separate room for the boiler room and fuel tanks made.

Then, of course, good old firewood. Solid fuel boilers, unpretentious, safe, but require constant attention.

And finally, the most expensive ones in work are electric boilers. The cost of heating electricity is very high. But the power lines are almost everywhere, the automation on these boilers is the most convenient, there is no need for good extract.

Well, the last form is combined boilers. In these types, it is possible to use several types of fuel simultaneously. For example, diesel fuel burns in the afternoon, and at night electric heating is turned on. Or in the afternoon — firewood, at night — liquid fuel.

Each boiler and the type of fuel has its own characteristics and they must be taken into account. What you need to proceed when choosing a boiler for a heating system.

First of all, the climatic zone is taken into account, in which the household is located. What is the duration of autumn and winter? Will the walls bend the winds strongly? What is the average annual humidity? All these factors directly affect the work of the boiler.

You also need to take into account the material from which the house is built. So, for example, combined or hollow materials retain heat much better.

It is necessary to take into account the possibility of constant supervision of the heating system. If this is not possible, then it is better to mount the system either with very reliable automation, or with the possibility of rapid drainage of water from the system (from size). If the owner is not a long time, heating should be safe. Having taken as a basis the approximate number of 1 kJ per 10 kV/m of the area and, knowing the parameters of the boilers, you can safely decide on the «heart» heating.

Innovative decisions of our science

Science does not stand still. Both new and well -forgotten old ways of extracting energy and turning it into heat for the home have been developed. One of these «old» ways is the pyrolysis method. This is a physico-chemical process that uses gas generated from wood in the process of combustion, after a high temperature acts on it. It is a clean process quite pure from an environmental point of view. And at the same time with high efficiency. The only drawback is the high cost of such boilers called gas generators.

The novelties in heating systems include such an innovative heating system as an electric heater with a film beam or as it was called — fleet. This system is based on the principles of collecting energy released during the day and using it at night. According to developers from LLC Zavod Rost North-West, followed by a great future.

Trust only a specialist

But the most important rule that needs to be taken into account is to engage in the installation of heating with a master that has a certificate for such a job. And only a company with all documents of conformity can be purchased only from a heating boiler. After all, heating boilers (especially from the main energy carriers) should be registered in the relevant services. Entrust only the master and the work will be done.