Choose a sofa

Each of us at least once in our lives faced the problem of choosing upholstered furniture and with a huge variety of its shapes, sizes, colors, functional options. The main character of upholstered furniture, the main character of our living rooms is the sofa. By what criteria to choose a sofa that will delight the eye and effectively function as long as possible? Experts advise that your choice is correct, it is necessary to focus not only on the appearance, design solutions and functionality, but also to understand that the life of the furniture will be as durable as possible if you pay attention to such important components as a frame, filler, upholstery.


When laying out the sofa, we can see what it is made of. Not very expensive sofas are made from chipboard. As an option — the main details can be made from solid wood (usually a beech), and the rear wall, all kinds of interior departments are used — from chipboard or fiberboard. In this case, it is worth making sure that the tree is dry. Otherwise the service life of your sofa will be significantly reduced. The most popular and high -quality material is at present — multilayer plywood. And the most expensive will be a sofa with a metal profile. But you can be sure of its stability, strength and guaranteed a long service life. If you are going to lay out and fold the sofa back quite often, check the reliability of all mechanisms related to this process.

Corner sofa

Polyurethane foam, springs, soft natural fillers (fluff, feather) or artificial (foam rubber) can act as the filling of the sofa. Pillows for the back and seating should be dense, not bend and not deform under body weight. Polyurethane foam (it is better if it is solid) and springs, but not horizontal (as it was before), but vertical. In order not to breathe upholstery, they are covered on top with a special layer from a thermallock. The metal used for the manufacture of springs should be well tempered and not fragile. But foaming for pillows on which they are sitting and lying, now they are rarely used, since it does not serve (a maximum of 2 years) with such a load and quickly loses its original form. Therefore, today foams can most often be found as a filling for armrests. But it is worth noting that in any case, foam rubber should be of high quality and its thickness should be at least 80 mm. Depending on personal preferences, you can choose the option you need — hard, soft, medium rigidity. Your sofa can be combined, that is, consisting of combinations of the above fillers. Another component of the sofa is upholstery. Again, — if the sofa is not just an element of decor for you, then it is better to choose a fabric that is simple in daily care, and in the case of serious contaminants, it will be guaranteed to be cleaned, and not completely and irrevocably becoming unusable. As an option — Fllock is possible. Additional tissue processing to improve its quality characteristics is likely (for example, for greater wear resistance). Or the fabric in its composition may have additives that improve its properties (for example, so that the upholstery of the sofa standing in a brightly lit room does not burn out and does not dim). If you prefer leather upholstery, make sure that the skin is soft, elastic, comfortable to the touch, not very thin and not excessively stretched. Many modern manufacturers offer removable covers that can be removed for cleaning, and if necessary, completely replaced. All seams on the upholstery should be even, and the threads should not be durable so that during operation the seam does not spread.

Needless to say, the appearance of the sofa can make the impression of a reliable and strong product, but in reality it is not such. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to find out all the qualitative characteristics of the proposed purchase before its payment, and if possible, make sure of the decent quality of the goods personally, — cringing at it, looking into the linen box, touching all the details you are interested in. And finally about the guarantee, it should apply to high -quality upholstered furniture by at least 18 months!