Build a bathhouse from a beam with your own hands

In order to build a bathhouse from the beam, it is necessary to solve the question of who will build it, you or an invited specialist who will do all the work (related to the construction), starting with a discussion of the project. You can develop the design yourself or view various projects on the pages of the Internet, choose your favorite design and start building. If you still decide to carry out all the work yourself, our recommendations will definitely come in handy.

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The choice of material

Building a bathhouse from a profiled timber

Consider how to make a choice of material for construction and why it is better to choose a beam, not a log. The most important negative quality of logs is their uncontested. To fit logs, you will need from 1 to 6 days (depending on the size of the bath). The second minus (if you purchased already processed logs) are rounded edges, since more material goes to the seals of the cracks.

The bars (profiled or glued) are already produced already processed and you can immediately start building. They fit beautifully in the ranks, do not shrink and hold warmth perfectly. The bath can be built both from profiled and glued timber. It is not very profitable to use glued beams, since it, much more expensive than profiled and is environmentally friendly material. The benefits of timber:

The internal area of ​​the structure is much larger, since the beam has even sides, and not rounded;

Installation is performed in a short time, the connections are very dense and therefore the room from the beam preserves heat better;

saving finance (on finishing work).

For the first crown, bars of larch are used, since it is not exposed (decay) even in conditions of high humidity. For other crowns, bars of coniferous wood (cedar, pine, spruce) are suitable, since they are “warm” and have a water-repellent property (due to the presence of resins in their wood).

When choosing quality material, keep in mind:

The bars should not have long chips and cracks, as this indicates the presence of pests;

The bars should not have spots of gray or black colors, as this indicates the decomposition (decay) of wood;

A beam that has many branches is not suitable for work.

Beginning of work: foundation laying

Construction of a Russian bath from a bar

If we build a bathhouse from a beam, then there is no need to lay a deep foundation. Therefore, the construction of this object will not need a lot of time, and the size of the structure can fluctuate from 9 kV. m up to 40-50 kV. m. Before construction, soil analysis is always carried out. If the soil is liquefied, garden or forest, then the strip base is suitable, and if you have clay soil or loam on the site, then you must build a column foundation.

Council 1. If you decide to make a strip base for the structure, then concrete must be poured to the depth of freezing of the soil (or 60 — 70 cm) along the entire perimeter of the future building.

Tip 2. If the foundation for a bathhouse is made columnar, then 1.5 — 2 m distances from each other at the corners of the future building and brick columns are built along its perimeter, and a concrete pillow is placed under each of them.

The technology for building a bathhouse from a beam provides for a blind area. The protruding part of the foundation should be 15 cm above, and the width is 10 cm thicker than the width of the beam. The basis is waterproofing by laying the corresponding material between the foundation (any type) and the first crown. The sequence of work when performing this operation is as follows:

The foundation is covered with several layers of bitumen (usually one — two layers).

Two layers of roofing material are laid on top.

Installed and fixed on the foundation of the rail with a thickness of 15 mm with a distance of 25 mm.

The first crown is laid on the rails.

Check the styling (for horizontal) with a level or level.

In order to fasten the foundation with the first crown, it is reinforced. Remember that it depends on the correct laying of the first crown, the overall design of your bathhouse and the durability of the building. Therefore, do all the work carefully and exactly according to the technology. If all of the above seems difficult for you, then you can order from specialized firms log houses for a bathhouse from a beam (whole or prefabricated).

Installation of crowns

The crown is called the finished row, which is laid around the perimeter of the room. For the first crown, bars of larch with a cross section of 20×20 cm are used, while for others, bars of coniferous wood (cedar, pine, spruce) with a smaller cross -section are suitable for others. After laying any two crowns, be sure to fasten them with dages (vertical). Do this work for all walls of the house.

At the assembly stage, a hemp (preliminary insulation) of the bath occurs. To do this, use linen cord, moss, pac from. They are inserted into the cracks between the bars (crowns) using a screwdriver, knife, or another thin object. If you do not immediately do this work, then doing it later will be much more difficult.

The easiest way to lay the insulation is. After laying the next crown on it, lay a layer of insulation, and then another crown. The upper crown will press the insulation with its weight and cracks. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that Pacli or Moss do not hang. Jut is laid between the crowns and attached with small nails or a stapler.

The openings for windows and doors are designed immediately, but they cut them in the already assembled structure of the bathhouse, since:

This is easier;

The building should «rest»;

There should be a shrinkage.

The device of the floor of the bath

The floor should be warm and therefore it is made double (black and finishing flooring). If the floor is wooden, then it should be waterproof, the lags should be buried in a clay or concrete lock. If the floor is concrete, then rugs of vine or wooden rails are laid on it.

Paul is mounted at a 30-type height above the ground. For the plank floor, slop boards of 25 — 35 mm thickness are used, which are laid on lags (from wood), lags — on columns (from brick) with 25×25 cm with a section. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that on the floor (towards the drain hole) there is a slope. In the interval of the concrete floor, a isolation layer (mineral wool) is laid, making a slope towards the ladder.

The pit is connected to the sewer and a spillway pipe and equipped with a water shutter. At an altitude of 10 — 12 cm, the exit of the drain pipe is made in it and the plate with some slope is mounted. The plate should be fixed hermetically from all sides, and only from the bottom to move away from the bottom by 5 — 6 cm. This is a water shutter that prevents the penetration of an unpleasant sewer smell into the room.

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The ceiling for the bath

It consists of the following elements:





For the binder, use 2 — 3 -ehsantimeter strict boards, which should be isolated from heat and steam.

Steam isolation — clay with a thickness of 1-2 cm is applied to the boards.

Thermal insulation consists of mineral wool or backfill (wooden slips moistened with cement-emulsion solution). The thickness of thermal insulation depends on the air temperature outside the room and can be from 5 to 22 mm.

The beam is a timber or a board 1/20 with a span length and 5 — 8 cm thick. If the rafters are hanging, then the length will double (by the size of the removal behind the wall of the bath). If the roof is made according to technology with layered rafters, then the length of the beam is determined by the width of the external walls of the room. Typically, beams are attached to the frame of the frame or under the crown of the log house at a distance of 60 to 100 cm.

The attic over the bath should ventilate, and for this you need to make auditory windows. In order for the room to do not rot, it is necessary to soak it with a solution of sodium fluoride. And from the ignition, impregnation with a solution of table salt with lime will help.

Assembly of the premises of the bath

Let’s proceed to the description of the assembly of the structure and understand how to make a bathhouse from a bar, following the project. In order for the construction of wooden baths from a beam to be carried out technically competently, for an outer box, it is necessary to use material with a cross section of 15×15 cm, and for the internal partition 15×10 cm. Keep in mind that each beam must be carefully impregnated with an antiseptic, for example, with motor oil. The first salary (crown) is impregnated from all sides, and subsequent crowns only from internal.

Consider the scheme of attaching bars among themselves, starting from the lower crown:

The new crown is laid in its place (according to the project) and make a fit;

Each beam is drilled through several places. At the same time, they drill to half and the lower beam (the distance between the holes is 125 — 150 cm);

The new beam is removed, and a dough (from wood) is driven into a drilled hole (in the lower timber). Its length should be 2 times the height of the beam;

The insulation is laid along the entire length;

The upper beam is put in their place, combine holes, nichels and clog to a dense landing.

Install door blocks at the binding level (it is located above the floor in the washing compartment), and the window blocks are mounted at the right level. Blocks must be put on plumbing, and then fixed. Above the door and window boxes leave a clearance for shrinkage (8cm). After a while it is filled with a heater. The bath can «sit down» for more than 6 months. After that, internal finishing work begins and arranges the bath with heat devices.