Bath processing with an antiseptic

The antiseptic for the bath is a chemical drug that is used on wooden surfaces, preventing their decay. The main task of all antiseptic drugs is antimicrobial and fungicidal effects. Such drugs can not only destroy fungal colonies, but also remain completely harmless to people. They do not have an unpleasant residual smell, they do not absorb moisture, while subsequent surface treatment with varnishes and colors, which is resistant to weathering and leaching, is quite allowed. With a do -it -yourself antiseptic, a bathhouse processing from foam blocks should ideally be carried out on a just processed, fresh surface of a tree before assembling a bathhouse. The use of modern industrial technologies involves processing in special machines or baths, produced under pressure. However, processing directly when installing the structure in its effectiveness is not inferior to industrial inpatient methods.

The use and processing of the bath with an antiseptic

The most dangerous fungal damage for wood is the so -called blue. Low surrounding temperature, high humidity, fresh sawing and stagnation of air are the main conditions for the spread of a fungal focus. In conditions of a warm room devoid of ventilation, freshly sawed boards can turn blue for three quarters in just a week. However, not only freshly sawn wood can turn blue in the eyes, dry can go bad as quickly if the conditions for its storage are not observed. Sineva speaks of the lesion of the fungus and is the predecessor of decay, it is useless to fight it, and therefore you need to try to avoid defeat even at the stage of harvesting the material, creating the necessary operating conditions. Only at this stage is the processing of wood antiseptic is possible.

The effect of sunlight contributes to the loss of wood of its original color, painting it and giving it gray shades. This does not affect the strength of the material, exclusively the appearance deteriorates. Solving this problem allows the timely varnish coating or applying an antiseptic. Such a type of bacterial lesion, like mold, also presents a certain danger for wooden surfaces.

The white construction mushroom, which is also known as the house mushroom, is considered a real wooden plague. The house in which such an misfortune was started was simply burned in the old days in order to prevent the infection of the rest of the houses in the village. Nowadays, such a problem can be solved by less radical methods. To begin with, the affected area is mechanically removed, scattered and cleaned, after which it is ventilated and thoroughly dried. The dried surface is treated using an antiseptic, and if possible, it is irradiated with an ultraviolet lamp. There are many types of rot of gray, red, green, white, etc. All of them have one result, so make sure that your bathhouse is not brought to such a state, and remember that antiseptic treatment is capable of preventing this.

Video on the processing of a bath with an antiseptic