Anti -icing plastic windows

Today, penetration into the dwelling and theft has become for many people a way of earning. If you believe the police statistics, especially often robbers penetrate the house through the windows. And of course, in the list of the most unprotected dwellings in the first place of the apartment located on the ground floor. However, modern techniques developed by window manufacturers can help solve the problem and increase the level of security. Let us consider in more detail the characteristics and operational qualities of antivostal windows.

Features of anti -icing windows

Any plastic window has a simple device:

Two -chamber or three -chamber double -glazed windows.



Previously, the window had a fairly simple glass fastening system. The double -glazed windows were attached to the frame using wooden stacks or simply using small nails. This made penetration into the house with a fairly simple occupation. The double -glazed windows complicated the possibility of penetrating through the window opening, but having experience and a suitable tool to do it very simple, literally in a few minutes.

An even simpler way to get into the apartment through the window if the owners left it in ventilation. It is enough to insert any block into the gap between the window and the frame and hit the switching mechanism hard. The blow will make the mechanism turn the handle and put the window in the opening mode. And all — you can go!

Manufacturers began to increase the reliability of double -glazed windows. The presence of new castles and quality mechanisms makes penetration more difficult for an attacker. But only relatively recently, the window developers found the opportunity to finally defeat the possibility of hacking the double -glazed window.

Characteristics of anti -icing windows

The technology is called anti -icmes. And its main differences from all previous ones are the presence of the following elements:

powerful accessories;

special fastening of windows;

reinforcement of the frame;

Mandatory use of stiffeners.

The materials that are used in the production of such specialized structures are also different from ordinary plastic windows:


various options for alloy steel;

multilayer or ordinary steel.

The most reliable material for the windows, among the above, is the titanium.

The double -glazed windows in this type of window are fixed specifically on the frame, and this method makes it impossible to remove glass. In order to squeeze out or destroy such a window, it will take a lot of time and the use of a special tool. What makes the hacking of the window extremely complicated.

Another powerful factor against hacking the double -glazed window is a reinforced belt directly inside the frame. If it is, then the hacking of the windows will take the maximum time.

Stiffer ribs in the structure also complicate the process of squeezing double -glazed windows from the frame.

The last opportunity for a thief to get into the house, there is only one option left if it breaks the glass, but today this is decided.

Operational properties of shockpacks

Wheel -glazed windows of this species are also called armored. The technology of glass production was born in the United States and was originally used only to serve the American military industry. Initially, the glasses of this type began to equip armored vehicles and armored limousines for government motorcies.

But as they say, nothing can be concealed and soon the opportunity to use this technology appeared in ordinary people. As it turned out the secret of such glass is nothing complicated. Any item that hits such a glass from a hammer to a war bullet is not able to break through the surface, or can only make it crack the integrity of the glass design will not be violated.

The whole meaning of the idea of ​​armored glass resembles a body armor, that is, a blow delivered to one point is evenly dispersed over the entire surface of the glass, which makes its destruction extremely complex. Even if the cracker tries to break through the glass, striking in the same place, he will need this for this up to 9,000 minutes. Today, glass is made of different thicknesses from 2 to 17 cm. There are also manufacturers who can make glass according to individual parameters. One of the highest quality strokes samples today is produced by a company from Moscow ABAVATECHNOLOGY.

Features of anti -ibal fittings for armored windows

Everything that was said before, today is a distinctive feature of the windows of the very last generations. But if you work well, you can protect well and ordinary plastic or wooden windows. The installation of modern and reliable accessories increases 90% safety and hacking. Today there are quite a lot of different high -quality windows of windows on the market. In order to choose good accessories, you need to pay attention to its following qualities.

Rules number one, for a good window you need shutters with mushrooms. Second, response strips should be made of reliable material, for example, titanium. Third, you need to see that the lower loops are reinforced with the help of a protective corner. The fourth must be a protective plate on a rotary shutter. Well, the fifth window handle should be reinforced with a reliable lock.

Anti -icing window assembly technology

The price of a good product cannot be small, because both glass and accessories of decent quality are expensive. If the window comes out at a price of $ 200, then you should not expect increased safety measures from it. Another problem of such a window will be its unreliable work due to the low quality of accessories. Therefore, having well understood all the nuances of choosing reliable armored windows, you need to solve and dwell on several project options. And leaving these options and make the final choice.

If a decision has been made on the establishment of anti -icing glasses in the old frame, then this work needs to be divided into several stages. First, armored glasses are installed, then the outdated accessories are replaced with new and high -quality structures.

But still, in order to fully guarantee your safety, it is better to change old windows for new double-glazed windows from the profile. This will make it possible to simultaneously strengthen both the frame and insert reinforcing elements.