A few words about the color of the ceiling

Polyurethane and epoxy paints have magnificent qualities that have a high indicator of water resistance. For the ceiling in the kitchen, the latter is very important. The basis of these dyes are polyurethane and epoxy resins. However, these paints are extremely rare in the repair and decoration of the house, since their cost is quite high.

But thanks to the decoration with the help of these means, the ceiling will be unchanged for a long time. Although this is not always necessary, since repair work is usually carried out when the painted surface wears out. That’s why it is worth using other cheaper coloring substances.

To do this, you can use water -based, alkyd or latex paint. Approaching it with a brush or roller, you should choose the direction of movement, taking into account the direction of the main light, that is, the smear must be done in the direction of light emanating away from the window. At the first stage of the process of coloring the ceiling, it is necessary to remove the line between the wall and the ceiling with a brush. Then you need to finish the site where the luminaire suspension is located and all the seams of the ceiling elements.

When the construction and decoration of the house, one should not forget about engineering systems. By the way, how heating ventilation and air conditioning is performed, you can find out on the site.

If the mask is a firewall, then it is worth coloring using a roller to start from the right angle of the wall where the window is placed. The paint should be applied along the site by means of parallel movements overlap with stripes, the width of which is three or four rollers. At the very end, the surface must be finished in the same direction. Having completed one strip, the next should start again in the direction opposite from the window.

When stained during the heating season, there may be difficulties with applying paint, which has the ability to quickly dry out. In this case, the edge of the strip can dry very quickly. As a result, a new strip from the previous one will not merge, because of which the final result will turn out to be uneven, and working seams will stand out. So that this does not happen, it is worth opening the window in the room or turn off the heating in advance. But the latter needs to be turned on again, having finished painting work.

For painting the ceiling, you can use a roller that has a long pile, as well as a large amount of paint. As a result, the surface will not dry very quickly. In addition, the roller can have a long handle, thanks to which you can stain the ceiling, standing on the floor.