The impact of self -regulation in the construction of small businesses.

According to the laws, the SRO in Moscow is currently entrusted with many responsibilities to control firms that are their members. They issue permits, standardize, regulate, check the quality of work.

The Institute of Self -Regulation was introduced into the construction sphere during the economic crisis of 2008. Small enterprises that provided the construction and design of facilities suffered most from the crisis. Some of them went bankrupt, others were forced to unite. In the latter case, the main role was played by the introduction of SRO.

Licensing, obligations to enter into self -regulatory organizations.

The mandatory receipt of licenses for construction, engineering, design and other works was canceled. Instead of a license, a new condition has appeared — the organization should be in the SRO. According to the laws, the SRO in Moscow is currently entrusted with many responsibilities to control firms that are their members. They issue permits, standardize, regulate, check the quality of work.

In other words, with the introduction of SRO, the small business received a serious blow. Now, in order to build and design, you need to be a member of SRO. These are additional costs, legal problems, etc. p. Large companies usually become members, but despite the difficulties, small businesses are also found.

The consequences of the abolition of licenses and the introduction of the Institute of SRO

In the construction sector, serious changes have occurred after the loss of the significance of licenses and the introduction of the Institute of SRO. Main list:

— The work became more professional, since it is allowed to have workers who have a certain education and qualifications (these are builders who are interested in the development of their organization, and not people who create linden companies in order to wash money);

— The quality regulation scheme and the safety of the constructed structures was greatly simplified, which made it possible to control construction faster and more objective. Such administrative barriers as the Ministry of Emergencies, Gosgortekhnadzor and others have disappeared;

— Construction work began to be carried out in accordance with European standards and norms. Many members of the NP SRO when entering are required to undergo international certification. Among other things, this made Russian workers competitive and affected their world reputation well.

Experts believe that the introduction of self -regulation, which has squeezed a small business in Russia, has already given some tangible advantages and improvement of construction work. In their opinion, it will develop dynamically and efficiently.

This release was prepared by employees of the SRO-16 company-