We grow grape seedlings correctly — we save time and money

To date, buying grape seedlings — expensive pleasure. Moreover, there is absolutely no guarantee that grape bushes will take root on your soil and will be fruitful. Most people are convinced that forming a vineyard is a whole art and to learn this skill is almost impossible. Therefore, only an experienced master should be engaged in planting grapes. Although this is not at all! In fact, to plant grapes’ seedlings that would give you a rich harvest every year, it will not be difficult, and this article will help you to make sure that this.

How to grow your grape seedlings, as well as properly carry out cuttings and landing

The most ideal period for planting grape seedlings is autumn, after leaf fall. The fact is that it is during this period that the wood contains the most useful and nutrients that contribute to the good growth of the vine, as well as high yields. After all, it is precisely the cuts prepared for the fall that the cuttings have rapid growth and productivity.

To do this, choose a ripened grape vine, the thickness of which is approximately like a pen or pencil, even a little more. Then we cut the cuttings about 30 cm, each of them should have three or four kidneys. Then we make cuts about four to five cm, retreating slightly above the kidneys. After the procedure done, it is necessary to wrap these cuttings in a wet rag, it would be ideal to wrap them in moss and place them in a wet environment with a place where the cut is made.

Great place for storage of grape cuttings — cellar. You can also store cuttings in the refrigerator. Closer to spring warming, the cuttings should be removed from the cool storage and carefully cut them on the bottom under the buds. To do everything competently, it is necessary to retreat about 2 centimeters from the upper kidney and make a scythe directly above it, and the juice must drain from the other side not far from the kidney. The kidneys located below are removed. In turn, the lower cuttings are cut by a sharp tool by a third. Thanks to these cuts, the process of root formation improves.

The next stage is that it is necessary to put all the cut cuttings in a bucket and pour them with water on top, the temperature of which should be no more than 18 degrees. For two days, grape cuttings are insisted in water. Experienced gardeners recommend adding a light solution of humate, heteroauxin, cornevite, biostima or other hormonal drugs that contribute to intensive growth of roots to the water. You can also pour a small amount of water: 3-4 cm into a jar of 1 liter, and then grape cuttings can be put in this water. A maximum of ten pieces of cuttings climbs into one container. It is better to put the container in a place where the sun’s rays will fall.

Two weeks after the operation done, the kidneys will begin to bloom and green shoots will open, and the root of the cuttings will be launched after at least three weeks. However, all this time, while the cuttings are in the water, it is necessary to monitor water, and if the plant drinks it, you should periodically add water into the container.

As a container for planting grape seedlings, packs of dairy products are perfect. Thus, cutting the upper part and making holes, you can install them on the pallets. On the bottom of the containers for seedlings, it is necessary to lay out a layer of expanded clay, which contributes to the best drainage, and after that you can safely be filled with earth on top. So, we need three components: garden soil, fresh forest sheet humus and sand. Each part is added in equal amounts. After you can thoroughly mix the mixture of landing land.

Now a layer of expanded clay falls asleep for about 6 cm. We insert a grape stalk into this mixture and fill it with earth to fix it well. However, gardeners do not recommend strongly the soil around the cuttings. It is best to leave a light soil structure, especially since it will gradually settle. Of course, you need to monitor how moistened the seedlings.

It is very important to observe the middle ground, that is, do not give the soil to dry out or waterlog. Watering seedlings must be carried out often, but gradually. Thus it will be possible to maintain the soil in good shape. It is not necessary to feed seedlings with any additional nutrients, since everything useful is contained in the ground.

So that there are two branches, it is necessary at the moment when the leaflets begin to grow actively, to the escape. But already at the end of spring grape bushes will appear.

What are the methods of growing grapes seedlings

In addition, what was written above, there are also other methods of growing seedlings. First of all, it is worth highlighting:

the method of digging grape shoots;

air discharge method;

propagation method using root shoots.

If there is enough space on your summer cottage, and there is also a grape bush, in this case the most simplified, but the method of summer grapes of grape shoots is not the fastest. To do this, you need to choose the good grape branch on which there is not a single dead area. Now you should determine the lower part of the branch, the side of which will be buried in the ground. Then slightly cut the lower part of the branch with a sharp tool. This method of circumcision improves root formation. The grape branch near the bush and parallel to the soil we instill about 10-15 cm, and then we pull out the end of the branch outward. With the help of this technique, many kidneys appear quite quickly, after which shoots will grow from them, and roots form under them.

It is also worth it to periodically pinch the shoots in order to form a healthy branched bush to form. When the shoots get stronger, they can be safely dug up and cut the branch into several parts in accordance with the grown shoots. Having done everything in stages, we will receive ready -made grape seedlings, which can now be planted on our country site.

The only minus of the presented method is that it takes a lot of time and does not very soon bring crop. Also, during the transplant, using this method, the root system of still fresh seedlings is often damaged, which slows down their growth. These seedlings, if properly care for them, will give their first crop only after three years.

In addition to the method presented above, a method of air layouts can be used to grow seedlings. This method of planting grape seedlings is carried out in early summer or at the very end of spring. This requires:

select the vine and remove the leaves from the lower part, and then remove part of the bark in the form of a ring (above, as well as below the zone from where the ring was removed, we make incisions);

put on polyethylene in the place of the future root and tightly wrap it with a rope;

We fall asleep into the package a moist earthen mixture for laying the soil;

The package must be thoroughly tied on top to get a reservoir where the roots are formed in the future;

Sun rays should not fall into the tank of plastic bag, so it must be wrapped with a layer of paper;

We tie the vine, thus, the tank with an earthen mixture will stand vertically;

Upon autumn, the paper should be removed from the package to see if the roots appeared;

If the roots appear, we cut a layer of the vine, leaving about 4 kidneys, and boldly begin to plant seedlings.

A way to get good grape seedlings is to make root layering. That is, it is necessary to reject a solid grape root and cut it off without regret — for the plant, this will only benefit. It is necessary to dig a long, but not very deep hole and put cut roots to the bottom in a horizontal position in a horizontal position. On top the root must be filled with a special humus of the mixture and regularly watering.

For literally a few weeks, all sleeping buds that were located at the roots will begin to bloom massively, and young sprouts will get out to the surface. After the starting processes are getting stronger, they can be safely dug up.

Grape planting rules from scratch

Remember that if you approach the planting of grapes responsibly and follow all the rules, then soon you will get an effective result and, perhaps, even gather a crop. Competently planned preparation for planting a vineyard, as well as the use of good agricultural technology will make it possible to form a beautiful and productive vineyard. Successful growing grapes is provided by the following factors:

deep pits with good drainage;

Regular watering.

The sizes of pits for vineyards should be approximately 100 cm — depth and width — 60 cm. The ash is poured to the bottom of the pit to a half-kilogram, and a mixture of drainage in a thin layer about 10 cm high is filled on top. We lay the slate on the drainage on the drainage, and part of the asbestos stainless pipe is installed in an upright position 1 meter. Thanks to the pipe, water access is provided, which allows you to fertilize the root of grapes.

In the case of heavy soil to the mixture, it is better to add about half a gear of sand. Then you can fill the soil around the pipe. And in the very center of the hole, lay out a small earthen hill and carefully insert the stranger of grapes, straightening the roots along the hill, then sprinkle the landslide from all sides. It is very important that the lower buds of the seedlings are also covered with earth, and thus only green shoots will remain on top of the earth. Over time, the soil will begin to settle, so you can fall asleep on top of a good layer of mulch, leaving only young grapes.

During the first year of planting the first vineyard, it must be watered literally every week, pouring up to 15 liters of liquid into the pipe, depending on weather conditions. And so that the pipe does not clog, it is better to cover it with something from above. For the winter it is better to warm a very small and non -stronger bush of grapes. And in the spring you can start watering, and already at the end of the summer a large spreading bush of grapes will grow, and literally a year later it will give the first crop.

When planting a large number of grape bushes, it is necessary to dig a trench. This will make it possible to arrange grapes in two rows, the distance between which will be no more than 2 meters. The drainage mixture is laid in the same way with humus, earth and pipes.

Small pits are dug up towards trenches, where seedlings will be planted. We build an additional place for the roots, then tilt all the seedlings towards the trench. Literally a year later, your seemingly small sprouts will give a plentiful crop.

The recommended list of basic materials and tools that are useful for growing and planting seedlings:

Sharp priority;

special material where you can store cuttings;

polyethylene bags;

liter capacity;

special containers for planting cuttings;

nylon thread;

wrapping paper;

fading mixture with humus and sand;

components for drainage;


the remains of the slate;

remnants of meter pipes;

Inventory for garter.