Vinyl tiles for the floor — how to make markings and styling with your own hands?

Vinyl tile for the floor is a good finishing material that has excellent consumer characteristics and is characterized by low cost. The main advantage of this tile can be considered its multi -layer structure. It is this structure that provides a number of operational properties, thanks to which the tiles fell in love with many consumers.

Vinyl tiles — get acquainted with the material

Video — laying vinyl tiles on the floor

As already mentioned, this tile has a multi -layer structure. The upper layer is a transparent vinyl, which is processed using a special patented technology. The middle layer imitates the texture of any material (stone, wood) or contains a certain pattern. Well, the lower layer is the basis consisting of polyvinyl chloride. It is this structure of the material that provides it with a number of advantages. We describe them in the most detailed:

Durability that is provided by the upper vinyl layer. It is he who prevents the abrasion of the picture. In addition, the same layer protects the coating from the appearance of scratches. The surface of the tile itself is soft and pleasant to the touch.

The environmental friendliness of the coating is achieved thanks to the use of safe components in the production process. The tile does not contain formaldehyde resins.

Practicality, which is expressed in the ease of replacement of the material when it is damaged. For example, if there are defects on any part of the coating, then this area can be changed. Just peel off one tile and insert another.

Flame resistance. Good heat — and sound insulation is provided due to the multi -layer structure.

Resistance to all kinds of detergents. In fact, self -adhesive tiles for the floor are not much different from linoleum and therefore unpretentious in care.

Lightness of styling. Installation work is carried out in a short time and do not require large cash costs.

The low cost and excellent design of vinyl tiles allows you to use it in different buildings (offices, shops, kindergartens, apartments, hospitals, beauty salons).

In addition to advantages, the material also has some disadvantages. Despite the fact that the life of the tiles is quite high, it is still less than the life of ceramic or paving slabs. Over time, the edges begin to be stuck and aesthetically unsuccessful to look. Also, an essential minus can be noted by irregularities that may appear on the coating if the base was not prepared.

Floor vinyl tiles — how to choose it correctly?

On the video — self -adhesive vinyl tile

Vinyl tiles, reviews of which you can find the most diverse, is produced by all kinds of design. As you know, its surface can imitate wood, metal and other materials. Therefore, when choosing, it is worth considering which tile design is most suitable for the style of your room. Moreover, vinyl tiles differ in the way of laying. So, there are three types of tiles: with a mechanical mount (lock), on self -adhesive, based on hummic rubber.

Tiles with a castle mechanism are laid as a laminate. That is, it is laid on the floor according to the previously made marking and connected using a special mount. Gummic rubber tiles are mounted only on a dry and absolutely even surface. The easiest to install is vinyl tiles self -adhesive. It is enough to remove the film from the wrong side on the back and attach the material to the appropriate place.

Self -adhesive tiles — learning to compose material

As well as PVC tiles, vinyl is applied to the prepared base. Moreover, the material itself should «get used to» to the microclimate of the room. Therefore, before laying, it must be removed from the package. In this state, he should lie down for at least two days. It is also important to mix the material since the pattern on the tile may differ in tone (from different parties). Next, prepare the surface. It is aligned, cleaned and primed (if the base is porous). Then you need to mark. Use chalk or pencil, transport, roulette for this. Make markings in order to determine how tiles lie at the edges and whether there will be extra strips.

If any, then the lines can be slightly shifted. Start marking with two perpendicular lines, determine the center. From the center to the sides and laying is carried out. On the back of the tiles, the protective film is carefully ripped off and the material is applied. It is smoothed out from above with your hands or roller so that there are no air bubbles. During styling, make no gaps between tiles. And from the wall, on the contrary, a gap of 3 mm is needed. So, gradually the installation of the entire coating is carried out.

Note! During the work, it is desirable that the room has the most suitable temperature for laying-19-25 C.