Types and process of creating documentation


Designing is the basis of the creation of any building. It does not matter whether an industrial building or a civilian, a project is drawn up for each. It is impossible to even start work without it. One of the main stages of development is the design of heating networks. The better this stage is executed, the less losses will be in the building and, accordingly, you will have to pay less on the bills.

What are the heating networks

Heating networks are divided into groups according to various signs. Each type has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when developing a project. Actually classification:

By coolant. There are water and steam networks.

By laying. Distinguish channel and aboveground tracks.

According to schemes and tasks. Call the main, quarterly (distribution) networks and branches for the supply of heat to separate buildings.

The process of creating a heating network

When developing any project, the engineer consistently performs the following stages of work:

Study of the object and analysis of the obtained data. Often accompanied by a visit or several visits.

The choice of the type of heating network and its parameters, including the solution of the issue of energy support.

Thermal calculation. Offers a full document that includes information on the energy indicators received from the heating network. Losses and loads are indicated here. Often this calculation affects the choice of the type of equipment.

Hydraulic calculation. Is a justification for the selection of suitable pumps and determining the required diameter of the pipes.

Determining the method of laying each element. Sometimes preference is given to the air method, sometimes — underground. It all depends on the situation.

Collection of all data and preparation of documents. This is the latest stage of the project, but the most important. It is on the correct documentation that a lot depends. This is the speed of approval in various instances, and the final quality of the heating network.

If you are not sure of the finished project or want to check it additionally, contact the company engaged in audit services. They usually do not depend on other companies and are always ready to endure the verdict: is everything done correctly or not.

How to determine the quality of the heating network?

After installation and commissioning, many have the question of how to determine how well the work is completed. There are several will receive a good organization of all elements:

stable temperature mode along the entire length of the network;

low heaters and high efficiency;

Lack of violations when creating a project.

Pay special attention to design, laying, as well as acceptance of work performed. All problems are much easier to fix immediately after organizing the heating system. During operation, repairs are much more complicated and costs much more.
