Choosing a lawn mower

Initially, you should figure out what types of such units exist in general. Which lawn mower is better than gasoline or electric — a natural question that occurs in a person with the initial choice of a device.

Electric version

The advantage of such a device is that it does not pollute the atmosphere.

Two options are distinguished as a constructive performance: drum and rotational. Usually the first cheaper, but have a power up to 400 watts. For small areas of this option, it is quite enough, but in more extensive territories, rotary lawnmands are used. Their power is 4 times higher than the first option, and fluctuates in the range from 900 to 1800 watts, this will be enough to cope with more solid vegetation, this is the main difference, which is required to answer the question — how to choose an electric municipality of an electric. All other parameters are the same as that of the gasoline version.

In addition, the second option is often equipped with additional functionality for independent movement, and a person can only periodically direct the device. This function is very convenient when working in large areas, since you do not have to excessively spend your own strength.

The disadvantage of electrical equipment is the need for an appropriate resource and, accordingly, the presence of a network cable, which can bring some inconvenience when working on a site with the presence of shrubs, trees and other vegetation.

Gasoline option

In terms of power parameters, a gasoline version is more productive when compared with an electric collection. The power of such an unit is 6-7 liters. With. If you transfer this to Watt, then the numbers are approximately 4400 — 5150 watts, in comparison even with rotational equipment, the advantage of a gasoline counterpart is 4 times higher.

But, as they say, not everything is so simple. In terms of power and, accordingly, the productivity of the lawn mower with a gasoline engine is significantly superior to electrical options, but this in some cases brings inconvenience. The first of them is the noise when working, after starting the engine, it is impossible to communicate with nearby people. To solve this problem, the device is provided with noise -insulating headphones. They will help the owner, but at the same time people who are nearby will experience discomfort.

In addition to noisiness, less reliability of the equipment is added. For example, if a stone gets into an electric lawn mower, then it stalls, and the gasoline simply continue to work and, as a result, the pebbles can bend the blades and break part of the equipment.

Prospects for different types of work

The choice of electric lawn mower is more appropriate when working in a small area with an equally planted lawn near the house.

If it is planned to work with mowing large areas with dense grass, it is better to use a gasoline option, since it can work without the use of wires, and on some devices it is provided by control of movement.

How to choose a lawners for a summer residence? If the buyer understood for himself what option to use, then with other parameters you should also understand. The choice of electric lawn mower or gasoline also depends on the following parameters. To work in summer cottages, you should pay more attention to the following details:


the height and width of the bevel;

method of adjusting the level of blades;

constructive performance.

Deck — compartment where the blades are located. For more expensive models, aluminum is used as material, it is light and reliable. In addition, they can make a decree out of plastic or steel, the first option is light and low in cost, but not so reliable.

The next parameter is the height of the bevel and coverage of the blade. The first of them is more responsible for the aesthetic beauty of the site, and the second for the effectiveness of the mowing. The larger the width of the coverage, the less suckers will have to be done to process the entire territory.

The adjustment method is responsible for setting up the height parameter. The most convenient is a lever or button method, as it requires the least time.

In addition, there is an adjustment by rearranging the axes of the wheels or each element individually.

The grass collector stores mowed resources, the larger the volume of this department, the better. In more expensive models, there may be a mulchivation function, it is responsible for grinding the grass that enters the grass collector. It will be required when the grass will be stored in the collection for a long time.