DIY ventilation in the apartment — how to create a healthy microclimate of the dwelling

Do -it -yourself ventilation in the apartment is an integral condition for a comfortable life and maintaining human health. In old apartments, this device, as a rule, does not work, but there is a way out: you need to make an additional hood.

How natural ventilation works?

Natural and supply ventilation in the apartment — which is better?

Apartments, as it should be according to sanitary standards SNiP 2.04.05-91, equipped with natural supply and exhaust systems. Their device is a vertical shaft, which has an exit to each apartment in the kitchens and in the bathrooms. The flow of air into the room is made of windows, and the outflow is through the ventilation holes in the wall.

The quality of the extract depends on many factors, for example, on the air temperature or speed and direction of the wind.

Actually, the answer to the question of how ventilation works in the apartment now does not bother you and you can move on to other problems.

Checking the performance of natural ventilation

How to install ventilation

Check the performance of the system simply. Open the window and bring a strip of thin paper to the ventilation grill in the kitchen or in the bathroom. If the paper is attracted to the grill — everything works fine. Another method of checking — using a lit match or lighter. In case of good operation of the hood, the flame will deviate to the grill.

Deviation of the flame of the match from the chimney indicates the reverse traction, which provokes the constant entry of extraneous odors, carbon monoxide, bacteria into the apartment.

The reasons for the violation of ventilation work are different. The most common — lack of preventive care — the mine has not been cleaned for decades. It is impossible to eliminate clogging yourself. Only specially trained specialists of relevant services have the right to work. The only thing that can be done with your own hands is to clean the channel in the inlet, but this most likely will not help.

Another reason for the violation of the exhaust functions of the system may be the activity of your neighbors. During the repair, they could remove or block anything, as it seemed to them, «unnecessary». To save the microclimate of your apartment, such violations must be determined and asked. If you do not succeed with the neighbors, you will have to report this to the relevant authorities.

It can happen that the system works fine, and in the apartment it is stuffy and wet, the windows sweat, raw spots and even mold appear on the surface of the walls and ceiling, an unpleasant odor from the toilet spreads around the apartment. Often this happens when replacing old windows with double -glazed windows, which sharply reduces the power of the air supply.

How to make ventilation in the apartment — select the best option

How to restore the microclimate of the apartment? If you do not have a desire to restore the old house system, the simplest thing that can be done is to open windows and doors more often for ventilation. It is recommended to do this daily for at least 15 minutes. You can order good plastic windows that have a micro -profile function. With such windows you will forever forget about climate problems in your apartment. A good way can be the installation of a modern air conditioner. He can drain or moisturize, clean, ventilate and deodorize air. This is a very useful device, but it does not completely solve the problems of the microclimate of the apartment.

The ventilation system in an apartment of the supply type can be arranged using several valves built into the walls. Their power is determined by the size of the room. There are several types of structures of such devices on sale. The simplest and most economical have one valve with a plug, manually opened. Their dignity is small size and noiselessness. For example, for the installation of the air infiltration valve (KIV), it is necessary to drill a hole in the wall with a diameter of only 135 mm. Placing nod is recommended for batteries. In this case, the interior does not deteriorate, and fresh air before entering the room has the opportunity to warm up a little. The disadvantages include the dependence of the climate of the apartment on weather conditions outside.

The basis of the operation of multifunctional valves are exhaust fans built into the window. The devices are equipped with a lattice, filter, caloriece and require installation of special sound insulation. With a sufficiently high power, the cost and operation of such systems is small, and the temperature of the incoming air can be adjusted. The best option for installing ventilation in the apartment is a forced system on the principle of “tributary-exhaust” complete with air ducts, which are mounted in the walls or behind suspended ceilings.

For the correct choice of installation power, it is necessary to determine the value of air exchange. According to the standards (in the general case), 70 m3/hour per person are taken to calculate the influx. It was experimentally established that fairly comfortable conditions in the room for 2-3 people can be created when serving at least 200 m3/hour, in the bathroom — up to 75 m3/h.

The movement of air masses should be directed from the «conditionally clean» premises (bedroom, hall, corridor) to the «conditionally muddy» (kitchen, bathroom). Depending on the purpose of the room, the following indicative values ​​of the “influx/hood” in M3/hour can be taken:

bedroom — 250/200;

bathroom — 50/50;

kitchen — 100/150;

Hall — 200/200;

Corridor — 50 (only hood).

To reduce noise, the ventilation installation should be set away from residential premises: on the outer wall of the building or on the balcony.