Building a bath of logs

Various types of materials are used to build baths. Buildings are brick, frame-shackle, slag-block, from timber, etc. p. But if you follow the traditions, then the real Russian bath should be built from logs. Such baths always cause the enthusiastic views of the guests, and the owner is proud.

So, the place under the bath has been chosen, the project has been developed, the foundation is laid, the material for the construction of the walls is selected. You can start building a structure. You should know that the walls of logs do not need additional insulation, since wood itself can maintain a microclimate in the room.

They erect logs from larch, pine, aspen, spruce. Larch, pine and spruce are the most used trees for the construction of baths. Due to its moisture resistance, being in a humid environment, their qualities not only do not decrease, but gain strength.

Logs for the log house should be even, with a diameter of 23–32 cm. They are cleaned with an electric rhubarble or bracket. Prepare embedded logs, sawing them in size for the first crown. To improve the quality, they are taken more diameter than the rest, since they will cut the beams — lags for the floor.

To make the log house beautiful, reliable, all stages of construction are important. Therefore, it is best if the bathhouse from the log is built by professionals. There are companies offering ready -made bath options. You can find a company that offers the construction of bath construction from high -quality materials at a similar price on the Internet. Solid manufacturers have their own sites on which you can see various turnkey bath projects and their final cost.

The laying of logs of the first crown is on the foundation on which rooferoid serves as an insulating layer. With further laying of crowns, they monitor the geometry of the log house to avoid distortions.

For the logs to fit denser, cuts are marked with a special tool — «features». Grooves in the corners of the log house and on logs, before cutting with an ax and cutting, outline. Castle connection is carried out in a paw or bowl. Horizontally, the crowns in a certain sequence and filled with insulation — Pacley, will be walls of the log house. Clothes are carried out with dowels.

For doorways, 2 lower crings and 5 upper, window 5 from below and 2-3 crown are prepared from above. Когда монтаж стен закончен, устанавливают стропильную систему, карнизы, кровлю, черновой пол. Bath of logs should give a shrinkage. Only after that is its internal arrangement is carried out.