Building time for a private house

Owners of suburban sites want to accelerate the construction of a dwelling by the maximum possible value, but the pace of work is controlled by technology and certain physicochemical processes that occur in building materials. Below is the approximate amount of time spent on the execution of certain stages of the construction of country houses, as well as the negative consequences of rash haste.

Concrete mixture

The components of the solidifying concrete are chemically interacting with water, although outwardly there is a leisurely process of drying the material. Cements of various brands become strong after many days, the number of which is determined by the environmental microclimate. Therefore, time plays a crucial role in the process of forming monolithic details of a suburban building.

These include the foundations of the slab, pile or tape type, carrying interior walls, inter -story floors and staircases of the structure. Когда температура достигает 20 градусов тепла, а параметр влажности равен 70 процентам, бетон М250-М300 становится достаточно прочным за 1 неделю, а полная прочность у материала появляется спустя 4 недели.

But practice shows the dependence of such terms on weather conditions and the type of monolithic structures used. After pouring the strip foundation, at least 3 weeks until the construction of the walls of the country house begins. If the workflow is performed on too cheese foundation, the base sagging under the weight of the structure is deformed, causing the destruction of the building.

If a stone building is built with 2-3 floors, after the construction of the first tier, the work is suspended for 1 week or 10 days to end the process of settlement of the foundation. Cement is fastened with blocks of internal or facade walls. 75 percentage strength of the solution fixing the elements of the brick wall is formed at least 4 weeks. The characteristics of the cement mixture allow further construction work on a wall collected from a brick after 3-10 days.

Experts prohibit immediately starting the decoration of the building due to the flow of a small shrinkage of drying brickwork. Given the schedule of construction work, it is recommended to fill the foundation in April or May in order to finish the construction of walls, all the necessary ceilings, and build a reliable roof to winter colds by the end of the warm seasons, and build a reliable roof. Then it is allowed to finish the facade of the stone building next spring.

Facade decoration with plastering systems

The problem of compliance with the deadlines remains at the stage of the exterior decoration of the country house through special plastering systems intended exclusively for facades. The implementation of certain stages of assembly of a complex system requires compliance with clearly marked time intervals. The primer mixture, which is processed by the outer wall prepared for the decoration, dries in at least 6-8 hours.

The discovered bumps are eliminated by applying the plaster layer, which becomes a fairly solid coating after 3 days. The next stage allows on a prepared base by means of glue to fix the thermal insulation material. Dowels for facades, additionally fixing insulation plates, are mounted 3 days after thermal insulation attachment. Next, the main layer of plaster is applied.

The surface of the insulation material is treated with glue, where the reinforcing network of glasses is immersed. The reinforcing layer completely dries after 3 days. The quartz primrose material applied to it forms a solid coating after 3-6 hours. Decorative plaster grabs at least a three -day period, requiring reliable protection against moisture and too strong exposure to sunlight.

The facade is painted with special paintwork, each layer of which dries for 12 hours. The installation of the plaster system is allowed exclusively when the temperature is 5-30 degrees of heat, and solar weather is also enough. Work on the facade cannot be performed in early autumn or late spring.

Interior decoration of a country house

The process of draft and final cladding of the living and household rooms of the dwelling by finishing materials is accompanied. The arrangement of the overwhelming number of existing types of floors begins with the creation of a concrete screed, which becomes a strong base after a very long time. Experts calculated that each centimeter of the screed dries up to seven days.

Then the concrete screed of the four -centimeter thickness becomes a solid surface in 4 days, and eight -centimeter — in 12 weeks. If the air warms up to a maximum of 20 degrees of heat, the hardening period of the screed increases approximately twice or three times. Mixtures of bulk floors made on the basis of polyurethane components are common among the builders of cottages.

The main 2-3 millimeter layer can be laid 6-12 hours after surface treatment of a primer before arranging a polyurethane floor. Epoxy floor can be poured after 12-17 hours. The mass of the polymer composition independently spreads on the floor surface, while aligning. Walking on the finished coating is allowed after 1 day, but only after 1 week or three days the material becomes as strong as possible.

If construction work is accompanied by the use of «wet» processes, it is necessary to expect the end of solidification of the mixtures used. Exactly compliance with the technological deadlines will make the finished design and the finish of the country house quite durable. Excessive haste in the process of performing responsible operations will not be justified, worsening the quality of construction work.